Sunday, February 28, 2021

Luke 9:43b-56


 Keywords 9:48b

For he who is least among you all--he is the greatest.


1. The least is the greatest (43b-48)

Jesus popularity might have been at its peak but he was not swept up in the

moment. He told the disciples that he would be delivered into the hands of men.

The disciples did not understand. However, rather than seek clarity, they began to

argue about who would be the greatest. Jesus had a little child stand beside him

and explained that welcoming a little child in his name was like welcoming Jesus.

Jesus did not care about human praise and honor. He came to serve and those

who serve the least in his name would be the greatest.


2. When our pride gets in the way (49-56)

John tried to stop someone from driving out demons in Jesus name. His pride

must have been bruised, especially after the disciples had failed to drive out

demons earlier. (9:39-40) Jesus told him that whoever was not against him was

for him. Later Jesus wanted to enter a Samaritan village but was not welcomed.

James and John were offended and asked about calling down fi re from heaven.

Jesus rebuked them for reacting in pride.


Prayer Lord, thank you for welcoming me. Help me not to live by my pride but to

serve others in your name.

One Word Welcome a little one in Jesus name


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Luke 9:28-43a


Keywords 9:35

A voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him."


1. They saw Jesus glory (28-36)

Jesus took Peter, John and James onto a mountain to pray. While Jesus was

praying, his face changed and his clothes gleamed like lightning. Moses and Elijah

appeared with Jesus. They spoke of his impending departure. The disciples had

never seen Jesus in his glory. Peter did not know what to say and blurted out that

he would build three shelters. But God the Father spoke from heaven and told the

disciples to listen to his Son, Jesus.


2. An unbelieving generation (37-43a)

They came down the mountain the next day to fi nd a large commotion. A man

had come with his demon-possessed son and asked the other disciples to drive

it out. They were unable. The man begged Jesus to do something. The demonpossessed

boy and the powerlessness of the disciples symbolized the unbelief

and spiritual perversion of that generation. Jesus expressed his burden. The

demon threw the boy into a convulsion but Jesus rebuked the spirit and healed



Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing your glory through your death and

resurrection. Help me to listen to you and respond to you with faith.

One Word Listen to and believe in Jesus

Friday, February 26, 2021

Luke 9:18-27


Keywords 9:20

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "The Christ of God."


1. Jesus is the Messiah (18-22)

Jesus asked his disciples, Who do the crowds say I am? Popular opinion varied

from John the Baptist to Elijah to a prophet of old. But there was a consensus

that Jesus was someone from God. Then Jesus asked his disciples something we

must all answer at some point, Who do you say I am? Peter answered, Gods

Messiah. Contrary to the popular view, the Messiah would not be a political

fi gure. The Messiah would suffer, be rejected, killed and then be raised to life. The

Messiah would do this to save us from our sins.


2. To be a disciple of Jesus (23-27)

Discipleship requires self-denial, taking up ones cross and following Jesus

every day. Jesus points out the foolishness of saving ones life and possibly even

gaining the whole world and yet losing ones life in the end. If a person is ashamed

of Jesus now, Jesus will be ashamed of him when he returns. However, everyone

who loses their life for Jesus will save it for eternal life.


Prayer Lord Jesus, you are the Messiah. Thank you for giving your life in order to

save mine. Help me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow you.

One Word Follow Jesus the Messiah


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Luke 9:10-17


Keywords 9:13a

He replied, "You give them something to eat."


1. Jesus care for the large crowd (10-13)

After the Twelve returned from proclaiming the good news and healing the sick,

Jesus apparently intended to take them on a retreat. But the crowds learned

about it and interrupted the plan. Nevertheless, Jesus welcomed them. He taught

them Gods kingdom and healed those who needed healing. When late afternoon

arrived, the Twelve suggested dismissing the crowds. But Jesus cared for them to

the end and he taught his disciples to do the same. He told them, You give them

something to eat.


2. The disciples participate in Jesus work (14-17)

The disciples only had fi ve loaves of bread and two fi sh. This did not discourage

Jesus. Rather Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down. He took the

bread and fi sh, gave thanks and broke it. Then he gave them to the disciples to

distribute. Everyone was satisfied and there were even leftovers. When people

bring the pressing needs of others to God, he is able to meet those needs.


Prayer Lord, thank you for caring for us. Help me to care for others by allowing

you to use whatever I must bless them.

One Word He welcomed them; will you?


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Luke 9:1-9


Keywords 9:2

And he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.


1. Jesus authority and commission (1-6)

Jesus wanted to reach the whole world with the message of his kingdom and

his healing ministry. Jesus would do this through his disciples. He called the

Twelve together and equipped them with specifi c authority to drive out demons

and cure diseases. Then he told them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal

the sick. They were to wholly depend on God to provide through others generous

hospitality. They were to wholly follow Gods leading in ministry. (5) In simple faith,

the Twelve obeyed what Jesus told them. Their work was effective and fruitful. Let

us pray for such spiritual authority, faith, trust and obedience to also proclaim the

good news and bring healing.


2. Who, then, is this? (7-9)

Herod heard all about Jesus ministry. There were many conflicting opinions

about Jesus. Some thought he was John the Baptist or Elijah or some other Old

Testament prophet had come back to life. Herod, knowing what he had done to

John, was perplexed and so he tried to see Jesus.


Prayer Lord, please empower me by your Spirit to do your work. Help me to obey

and trust you fully.

One Word Proclaim Jesus kingdom; heal the sick

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Luke 8:49-56


Keywords 8:50

Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed."


1. Responding to fear with faith (49-50)

Before Jesus finished his conversation, someone came and told Jairus that his

daughter had died. While the girl was alive, there was a glimmer of hope. But

when she was dead, there was no point in bothering Jesus. All earthly hope died

with Jairus daughter. Yet Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid, to believe in him and

experience a miracle. When fear and death come, we, too, must hear Jesus word,

Dont be afraid; just believe. How will you respond in the face of hopelessness

and fear?


2. My child, get up! (51-56)

Jairus evidently believed for he continued with Jesus back to his home. The

wailing and mourning created an atmosphere of death and unbelief. Jesus said

the girl was asleep. People laughed. Jesus took his top disciples and the dead

girls parents into the room. He took the girls hand and said, My child, get up!

The girl came back to life! Jesus is stronger than death. No matter how dark and

diffi cult our circumstances, let us overcome fear by believing in Jesus.


Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for walking with me in my trials. Help me not to be

afraid but just believe.

One Word Overcome fear with faith


Monday, February 22, 2021

Luke 8:40-48


Keywords 8:46

But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."


1. Desperate people (40-44)

Jesus returned to a welcoming crowd that made way for a ruler to come to

Jesus. This ruler prayed as a desperate father for his dying daughter. We pray for

our spiritually dying children and ask for help. People around us may not make

much effort for our children, so helpless fathers must keep coming to Jesus and

find a way. At the very same time, a desperate woman also made her way to

Jesus with quiet determination and incognito. No one could help her either, but

only Jesus.


2. Power from Jesus (45-48)

She believed a mere touch of his clothes would heal her. She believed holiness

and Gods power surrounded Jesus and would make her body clean. Jesus knew

this touch of faith was blessed by God. He wanted to meet her and bless her

personally. She overcame her shyness and explained everything. People then

could also come to know the power of God. Jesus restored her as a daughter of

God and gave her peace. She was truly healed.


Prayer Lord,I believe my desperate prayers touch your heart. Please let your

power of healing and grace clean and restore me, our children, and our


One Word Power has gone out from Jesus


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Luke 8:26-39


Keywords 8:30,39

30 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him. 39 "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.


1. What is your name? (26-31)

Jesus and the disciples landed and were confronted by a horrific sight - a

demon possessed man yelling wildly. He was a tortured soul. He had lived free

of constraints, but was miserable. People tried to help him, but were unable. As

he rebelled, evil spirits invaded his life. Jesus was praying for him. He asked him

What is your name? (30). Jesus treated him with respect and initiated a personal

relationship with him. The man confessed to his situation. Jesus loved him and

loves us also.


2. Tell how much (32-39)

Jesus cast out the demons into a herd of pigs, which then committed suicide.

Jesus freed the man and gave him peace. The townspeople, however, were

full of fear. They lost their economic means because of Jesus actions. Their

hearts become cold and blind. Jesus direction to the man was to become a

native gospel servant. He would grow strong in the grace and love of Jesus, in

independent faith, and as a light to many.


Prayer Lord, thank you for freeing me from Satans grip. Thank you for respecting

my life and encouraging an independent mission life. Help me go and tell

how much you have done for me.

One Word How much Jesus has done for me!


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Luke 8:22-25


Keywords 8:25

"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."


1. Where is your faith? (22-25a)

Jesus advised his disciples to sail to the other side. While they sailed, he took

a deep nap. Meanwhile, a squall came down and nearly capsized their boat. The

disciples were so scared and woke Jesus. In their fear, they came to Christ for

help. He made all things calm. However, Jesus rebuked their lack of faith. They

were full of fear even though Jesus was there with them. They needed to learn

deep-rooted faith in God and his direction when times are in upheaval and even



2. Who is this? (25b)

They were amazed at Jesus power and control over nature. Jesus is the Creator

God who made us and loves us. He controls nature, history, and our lives in his

almighty and loving hands and so we have peace.


Prayer Lord I fall into fear and anxiety when I experience a lack of control, lack of

knowledge and/or experience, or utter helplessness. Help me trust in you,

my Creator, with your guidance and power, and make me calm.

One Word Who is Jesus that calms the storm?


Friday, February 19, 2021

Luke 8:16-21


Keywords 8:21

He replied, "My mother and brothers are those who hear Gods word and put it into practice."


1. The light shines (16-18)

Jesus is the light in this dark world. His word planted in the heart brings light and

joy and the way to repentance and holiness. We can see the truth of the kingdom

of God. Without Jesus and his word, we get lost in human thinking and emotions.

The light exposes sins and reveals God. Jesus reveals he is the Savior and King,

and one day, the Judge and Eternal Ruler. We must listen carefully to Jesus and

let his light shine in us and nurture us as his people.


2. Jesus family (19-21)

Jesus family loved and missed him. They should have understood him by now.

They went to visit him during his busy life of preaching the kingdom of God, but

he would not stop. He really wanted his family to have Bible study together with

him and follow him. His true family hears his word and then practices it.


Prayer Lord, I want to have deep Bible study so that your word and life might

shine in me and through me. Help me put your word into practice today

and live as your true family member.

One Word Shine as a true family member of Jesus

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Luke 8:4~15


Keyverse: 10a

He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables,


1. The parable (4-8)

As Jesus travelled around from one town to another, a large crowd followed. To them, he told a parable. A farmer went out to sow his seed. The farmer was not careful where he scattered the seed. Much of the seed fell on soil that wasn't proper for growing crops. No fruit was borne there. But some of the seed fell on good soil. The seed there produced a crop a hundred times what was sown. He then called to the crowd, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Jesus' parable taught an important lesson. He wanted them to take note.

2. The meaning of the parable (9-15)

His disciples asked Jesus about the meaning. Jesus told them the secrets of the kingdom of God had been given to them. To others, this was a story. To them, it was a life-giving message that they hungered to hear the meaning of. Jesus explained that the soils where the crops didn't grow were like hearts that were somehow closed off from God. But those with good heart-soil listen to the word of God and that word grows and bears much fruit. When we really hear the word of God, we can bear fruit a hundred times more than what we sow.

Prayer: Lord, help me to really hear your word. May your word grow in me so that I may bear much fruit.

One Word: 'He who has ears to hear, let them hear'

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Luke 8:1-3


 Keywords 8:1a

After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.


1. Proclaim the good news (1)

Jesus was encouraged by the work of God. He traveled extensively with one

focus - to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. People are trapped in

the kingdom of darkness and lost in despair over sickness, sorrow, oppression,

and condemnation. Jesus words are good news and show the way to Gods

forgiveness and love, healing, new life, and eternal hope. May Gods kingdom

come to this world and to my world.


2. Supporting the good news (2-3)

The Twelve travelled with Jesus, as well as many women. It was unusual. It shows

how much grace these women experienced through Jesus and how much they

wanted to be with him and support his work. Mary Magdalene was one woman

who was freed from the grip of Satans power. Joanna took her stand despite the

probable pressure from Herods evil influence. Once forgiven and covered with

Jesus grace, these women gave their hearts and lives so that grace could come

to many.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your good news that changed my life. By your grace,

help me support the proclaiming of the good news of Jesus so others

may experience your grace and new life as well.

One Word Your kingdom come


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Luke 7:36-50


Keywords 7:47

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."


1. She loved much (36-38)

Simon a Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner. An uninvited woman well known for her

sinful life boldly entered his home and proceeded to do something even bolder.

She washed Jesus feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and poured the

most expensive perfume on them. Her actions and sacrifice show that Jesus

meant everything to her.


2. Jesus forgives much (39-50)

Simon did not show Jesus even the basic social respect. Jesus defended the

woman and accepted her love, sorrow, and repentant heart. He forgave her many

sins. His saving grace planted the peace of God in her heart.


Prayer Lord, thank you for forgiving my many sins and giving me peace. I pour

out my love to you today and sacrifice my best treasures to honor you.

One Word Love Jesus my Savior who forgives all my many sins



A FRIEND WHO IS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER Proverbs 18:1-24 / Keywords 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who...