Keywords 9:2
And he sent them out to preach
the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
1. Jesus’
authority and commission (1-6)
Jesus wanted to reach
the whole world with the message of his kingdom and
his healing ministry.
Jesus would do this through his disciples. He called the
Twelve together and
equipped them with specifi c authority to drive out demons
and cure diseases.
Then he told them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal
the sick. They were
to wholly depend on God to provide through others’
hospitality. They
were to wholly follow God’s leading in ministry. (5) In simple faith,
the Twelve obeyed
what Jesus told them. Their work was effective and fruitful. Let
us pray for such
spiritual authority, faith, trust and obedience to also proclaim the
good news and bring
2. “Who,
then, is this?” (7-9)
Herod heard all about
Jesus’ ministry. There were many conflicting opinions
about Jesus. Some
thought he was John the Baptist or Elijah or some other Old
Testament prophet had
come back to life. Herod, knowing what he had done to
John, was perplexed
and so he tried to see Jesus.
Prayer Lord, please empower
me by your Spirit to do your work. Help me to obey
and trust you fully.
One Word Proclaim Jesus’ kingdom; heal the sick
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