Saturday, February 20, 2021

Luke 8:22-25


Keywords 8:25

"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."


1. Where is your faith? (22-25a)

Jesus advised his disciples to sail to the other side. While they sailed, he took

a deep nap. Meanwhile, a squall came down and nearly capsized their boat. The

disciples were so scared and woke Jesus. In their fear, they came to Christ for

help. He made all things calm. However, Jesus rebuked their lack of faith. They

were full of fear even though Jesus was there with them. They needed to learn

deep-rooted faith in God and his direction when times are in upheaval and even



2. Who is this? (25b)

They were amazed at Jesus power and control over nature. Jesus is the Creator

God who made us and loves us. He controls nature, history, and our lives in his

almighty and loving hands and so we have peace.


Prayer Lord I fall into fear and anxiety when I experience a lack of control, lack of

knowledge and/or experience, or utter helplessness. Help me trust in you,

my Creator, with your guidance and power, and make me calm.

One Word Who is Jesus that calms the storm?


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