Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Luke 8:1-3


 Keywords 8:1a

After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.


1. Proclaim the good news (1)

Jesus was encouraged by the work of God. He traveled extensively with one

focus - to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. People are trapped in

the kingdom of darkness and lost in despair over sickness, sorrow, oppression,

and condemnation. Jesus words are good news and show the way to Gods

forgiveness and love, healing, new life, and eternal hope. May Gods kingdom

come to this world and to my world.


2. Supporting the good news (2-3)

The Twelve travelled with Jesus, as well as many women. It was unusual. It shows

how much grace these women experienced through Jesus and how much they

wanted to be with him and support his work. Mary Magdalene was one woman

who was freed from the grip of Satans power. Joanna took her stand despite the

probable pressure from Herods evil influence. Once forgiven and covered with

Jesus grace, these women gave their hearts and lives so that grace could come

to many.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your good news that changed my life. By your grace,

help me support the proclaiming of the good news of Jesus so others

may experience your grace and new life as well.

One Word Your kingdom come


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