Thursday, February 25, 2021

Luke 9:10-17


Keywords 9:13a

He replied, "You give them something to eat."


1. Jesus care for the large crowd (10-13)

After the Twelve returned from proclaiming the good news and healing the sick,

Jesus apparently intended to take them on a retreat. But the crowds learned

about it and interrupted the plan. Nevertheless, Jesus welcomed them. He taught

them Gods kingdom and healed those who needed healing. When late afternoon

arrived, the Twelve suggested dismissing the crowds. But Jesus cared for them to

the end and he taught his disciples to do the same. He told them, You give them

something to eat.


2. The disciples participate in Jesus work (14-17)

The disciples only had fi ve loaves of bread and two fi sh. This did not discourage

Jesus. Rather Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down. He took the

bread and fi sh, gave thanks and broke it. Then he gave them to the disciples to

distribute. Everyone was satisfied and there were even leftovers. When people

bring the pressing needs of others to God, he is able to meet those needs.


Prayer Lord, thank you for caring for us. Help me to care for others by allowing

you to use whatever I must bless them.

One Word He welcomed them; will you?


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