Monday, February 22, 2021

Luke 8:40-48


Keywords 8:46

But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."


1. Desperate people (40-44)

Jesus returned to a welcoming crowd that made way for a ruler to come to

Jesus. This ruler prayed as a desperate father for his dying daughter. We pray for

our spiritually dying children and ask for help. People around us may not make

much effort for our children, so helpless fathers must keep coming to Jesus and

find a way. At the very same time, a desperate woman also made her way to

Jesus with quiet determination and incognito. No one could help her either, but

only Jesus.


2. Power from Jesus (45-48)

She believed a mere touch of his clothes would heal her. She believed holiness

and Gods power surrounded Jesus and would make her body clean. Jesus knew

this touch of faith was blessed by God. He wanted to meet her and bless her

personally. She overcame her shyness and explained everything. People then

could also come to know the power of God. Jesus restored her as a daughter of

God and gave her peace. She was truly healed.


Prayer Lord,I believe my desperate prayers touch your heart. Please let your

power of healing and grace clean and restore me, our children, and our


One Word Power has gone out from Jesus


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