Friday, December 31, 2021

Psalm 57:1-11


Keywords 57:5,11

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

1. I take refuge in the shadow of your wings (1-5)

David fled from Saul, who pursued him with murderous jealousy, into a cave (cf. 1 Sam 22, 24). It was not the cave but God’s mercy that provided refuge to him. David cried out to God, and God intervened: not with a simple solution, but with love and faithfulness (3). Although he would continue to dwell among “ravenous beasts,” he concluded with praise to God: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

2. My heart, O God, is steadfast (6-11)

Enduring those troubling times was not easy. But by trusting in God, it formed David’s character. God would frustrate his enemies. But it was David’s God-centered decision that gave him a steadfast peace. He would praise God with music publicly. Why? “For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” His heart remained steadfast even after he was king (Ps 108:1). In the same way, the ups and downs of our lives are a training ground that brings confidence in God’s love. Let us conclude this year with the same praise as David: Be exalted, O God.


Prayer Father, your mercy is my refuge in times of blessing or trial. Help me exalt and praise you; let your glory be over all the earth.

One Word Be exalted, O God

Thursday, December 30, 2021

2 Timothy 3:15-17


Keywords 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

1. Salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (15)

Paul reminds Timothy of the Holy Scriptures he was taught all his childhood, which can make him (and us) wise: able to understand God’s plan of salvation through faith in Christ. This is the foundation of all we have, all we are, and all we have done. As we close this year, let us remember and thank God who saved us through Christ Jesus.

2. Useful for teaching, rebuking… (16-17)

What Timothy needed most importantly to grow was the God-breathed word. This word taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained Timothy, equipping him for every good work he did before and would do moving forward. In the same way, the Holy Spirit works through Scripture to train and equip us. How has God’s word specifically trained you in righteousness or equipped us for good works over the past year? Let us thank God and commit all the more to the ministry of the word in the coming year.

Prayer Father, thank you for saving me through Jesus Christ, and for training and equipping me through your word. Help me keep in mind all the ways you taught me through your word and commit to obey them in the coming year.

One Word Hold to the God-breathed Scripture

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Exodus 6:1-30


Keywords 6:1

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them out of his country."

1. “Then you will know that I am the LORD” (1-8)

Moses’ initial contact with Pharaoh brought trouble to his people, and he doubted God (5:22). But God would use this to display his mighty hand, in order to make himself fully known to his chosen people, the Israelites, with whom he established his covenant. God says to his people: I will free you… I will redeem you… I will take you… I will be your God. God is faithful and keeps his promises, and by this his people in every generation know him.

2. God chose this Moses and Aaron (9-30)

Moses reports God’s promises, but his people were too discouraged to listen. When commanded to go to Pharaoh, Moses questions God, sure he had failed due to his faltering lips. Into this despair the family record of Levi (13-27) is used to show God’s sovereign choice: this same Moses and Aaron would bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses saw his faltering lips and was discouraged; But God was raising Moses and Aaron step by step to be his instrument, mouthpiece, and servant to the people.

Prayer Father, you are faithful and keep your promise. Help me trust in your mighty hand not my faltering lips to know you are the Lord.

One Word Know that God is the LORD our God

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Exodus 5:1-23


Keywords 5:1

Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the desert.' "

1. Who is the LORD, that I should obey him? (1-5)

Moses and Aaron boldly went to Pharaoh and confronted him with the LORD’s message: “Let my people go!” Moses had trembled at the Holy command of God (3:5-6). But Pharaoh did not. There was no higher authority than Pharaoh; who dared command him? He would not obey. Pharaoh did not know the LORD, but he knew Moses and Aaron, and he would make an example of them.

2. Bricks without straw (6-23)

Pharaoh commanded that the people make bricks without straw. The trickle down command made it clear that even a minor word from Pharaoh had greater power over them than anything Moses told them. The people resented Moses and Aaron’s involvement. Moses himself was very sorry to have spoken. He had followed God’s instruction exactly as God told him (3:18). But it only brought more trouble. Although God expected this (3:19; 4:21), Moses was disheartened.

Prayer Father, sinful men in pride reject your authority and oppress your people. They do not know you, but I do. Help me trust in you and your plan, believing you are greater than any Pharaoh.

One Word Do not be overcome by evil

Monday, December 27, 2021

Exodus 4:18-31


Keywords 4:20

So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey and started back to Egypt. And he took the staff of God in his hand.


1. God’s plan for Moses in Egypt (18-23)

Moses, with the blessing of his father-in-law and God’s assurance, no longer a hunted man, takes his family and begins the journey to Egypt. He obeyed God, taking the staff of God in his hand. Moses had cared for Jethro’s sheep for 40 years with this staff. Now it was God’s staff, symbolizing God’s plan to shepherd his “firstborn son” Israel through Moses, just as he told Moses.

2. Zipporah and Aaron help Moses (24-31)

It is hard to know why God wanted to kill Moses in the event at the lodging place. But two things stick out: it was important to God that Moses’ sons be circumcised, and God blessed Zipporah’s faith and action to save her husband. Aaron also heard God’s voice and obeyed, and was able to help Moses just as God instructed (3:14-16). In this way, Moses was accepted as God’s servant by the people, and they worshiped God, recognizing in Moses and Aaron that God was concerned about them and had seen their misery.

Prayer Father, you are a good shepherd, and you raise shepherds to care for your people. Help me recognize your hand at work and worship you.

One Word God helped Moses who obeyed

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Exodus 4:1-17


Keywords 4:12

Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."


1. “... so they may believe...” (1-9)

Moses had tried to deliver his people, but they had rejected him and his methods. Why would they believe and listen to him now? God gave Moses three signs so the people may believe that the God of their fathers had appeared to Moses: the staff into a snake, the inflicting and healing of leprosy on Moses’ hand, and turning the water of the Nile into blood. Such signs revealed clearly the hand of God was with Moses, and with his people Israel.

2. “Is it not I, the LORD?” (10-17)

God’s signs were convincing. Yet Moses was fixated on his lack of eloquence (10), which made him doubt anyone would believe him (1). The people’s rejection and his failure seemed to have left a wound, and made it difficult for him to listen to God. God again tried to turn Moses’ attention to God himself, first through questions pointing to God’s sovereignty as Creator, and next a promise to go, trusting God would be with him. But Moses didn't trust God. Although God’s promise to be with Moses should’ve been enough, Aaron’s support and the staff were necessary to help Moses grow in confidence as God’s servant.

Prayer Father, thank you for your patience with my wounds and failures. Help me grow in trusting you.

One Word Trust in God’s help

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Luke 2:1-14


Keywords 2:10

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.


1. Good news of great joy for all people (1-12)

Just as Joseph and Mary register in Bethlehem for the Roman census, the baby comes! There is no place for the Messiah to be born, and so, they go into an animals’ shelter. Jesus is born outdoors surrounded by the animal world, a veiled reflection of the Creator in the Garden of Eden. An angel shares the birth announcement with humble shepherds watching over their flocks at night. The sign of a baby lying in a manger is good news of great joy for all people! He is our Saviour and King and Friend. Rulers who dictate our lives seem most powerful, but King Jesus born meekly in a manger is the Messiah. He reigns!

2. Peace on earth (13-14)

Suddenly a heavenly chorus of angels burst into song, proclaiming: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” Our King Jesus’ humble birth in a manger glorifies God and gives us peace in our hearts today and always. Let’s worship him!

Prayer Lord Jesus, please fill my heart with real joy and peace today through worshiping the baby in a manger.

One Word Good news of great joy for all people!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Luke 1:67-80


Keywords 1:69

He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David


1. The birth of John the Baptist (57-66)

After Elizabeth gives birth, they naturally name him after his father, but his mother injects that his name is John. When they ask Zechariah, he writes, “His name is John,” signifying they accept God’s purpose for their son. Immediately, Zechariah’s tongue is loose!

2. Zechariah’s Song (67-80)

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Zechariah prophecies about God’s Son Jesus. He is the horn of salvation (Ps 18:2). With his horn, he smashes our enemy Satan’s horn. His power of salvation is multi-faceted -- spiritual, physical and emotional, and he redeems us from bondage to sin -- past, present and future. In his great mercy, we are set free to serve him without fear all our days. Zechariah’s son John would give people the knowledge of salvation through repentance, which is like the tender mercy of the rising sun breaking through the darkness and granting peace.


Prayer Lord Jesus, help me to rely on you as my horn of salvation and to serve you without fear all my days.

One Word Jesus is my horn of salvation

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Luke 1:39-66


Keywords 1:46

And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord


1. Mary visits Elizabeth (39-45)

When Mary faces her situation as an unwed pregnant woman, she visits Elizabeth, a mature, godly woman, who also experienced God’s intervention. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth praises Mary as “the mother of my Lord,” and testifies that her baby leaped in the womb when Mary entered the room. She assures Mary that she is most blessed because of her faith to believe that God would do as he promised to send a Saviour. We need mature counsel when our lives are turned upside-down by God’s will.

2. Mary’s song (46-66)

After Elizabeth’s encouragement, Mary bursts into song, praising God with all her soul. She praises Holy God who is mindful of her humble state...who blesses her with great things...who performs mighty deeds... who extends his mercy...who fills the hungry…and, who has helped his servant! We also can be transformed to be full of praise to God when we accept his will and struggle to be obedient and pure, like Mary.

Prayer Lord, help me to seek godly encouragement. May I be obedient and pure and praise you with my spirit.

One Word My soul glorifies the Lord


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Luke 1:26-38


Keywords 1:31

You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.


1. Mary is chosen to give birth to the Messiah (26-33)

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the angel Gabriel appears to a country damsel named Mary, who is pledged to be married to Joseph. The angel says, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured!” Mary is afraid of his words. Her dream is set with Joseph; she doesn’t want any other favour. Gabriel tells her not to be afraid and assures her that she is greatly favoured to be chosen as the mother of Jesus, the promised Messiah, the Son of God, whose kingdom is forever. God’s salvation plan is so much better than our own dream and truly fulfills our hopes.


2. Mary accepts God’s will for her (34-38)

Mary asks Gabriel how this could scientifically happen since she is a virgin. He explains to her how the Holy Spirit would overpower her, she would conceive, and she would give birth to the Son of God. Elizabeth’s pregnancy is evidence that nothing is impossible with God. By faith, Mary accepts God’s will for her, and the angel leaves her.


Prayer Lord, help me to see how much greater your favour and will is for my life and accept your plan by faith.

One Word May it be to me as you have said

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Luke 1:5-25


Keywords 1:13

But the angel said to him: "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John.


1. Your prayer has been heard (5-17)

The gospel of Luke begins with a priestly couple Zechariah and Elizabeth, who lived blamelessly before God. Yet they were childless. The angel Gabriel appeared to assure Zechariah that his prayer had been heard and that his wife would bear a son, to be named John, meaning gift of God. His son would be a source of joy and salvation with the spirit of Elijah to turn people back to the Lord. God used Zechariah’s lifelong, possibly forgotten, prayer topic for a son to fulfill his plan to send the forerunner of the Messiah.


2. You will be unable to speak (18-25)

Zechariah’s despair over sterility surfaced. The angel Gabriel rebuked his unbelief and made him mute until John was born. Afterwards, just as foretold, Elizabeth conceived and she testified to God’s grace and prayerfully went into seclusion.


Prayer Lord, thank you for answering my prayers in your time and way. Please forgive my unbelief and quiet me.

One Word God hears our prayers and answers them according to his salvation purpose

Monday, December 20, 2021

Exodus 3:11-22


Keywords 3:14

God said to Moses, "I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' "


1. God said: “I will be with you” (11-15)

Moses seems to have no confidence to obey God’s call, “Who am I?” We can understand him. But God doesn’t talk about Moses, but rather promises that God will be with him. God gives him a sign, a hope: he will bring the people to worship God together on this mountain. Moses asks for God’s name, and God reveals himself as “I AM WHO I AM,” the self-existent One; God who was and is and is to come. He is pleased to be known as the LORD (YHWH), the God of Moses’ fathers. By this name he is known in every generation. Jesus reveals himself as the LORD and what this means to us through seven specific “I am” statements in John.


2. “I have promised to bring you up...” (16-22)

God details his plan: Moses should get the elders’ support, relating God’s promise. They will confront Pharaoh, who will not let them go. God himself will stretch out his hand to strike Egypt, and reveal his wonders. Then Pharaoh will let them go. God will make the Egyptians favor the Israelites and give them possessions. All this will happen because God is faithful and keeps his promise (Ge 15:14).


Prayer Father, thank you for revealing yourself to me through Jesus. Help me believe your promise.

One Word Trust God’s faithfulness 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Exodus 3:1-10


Keywords 3:5

"Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."


1. “I am the God of your father…” (1-5)

Moses lived an obscure life as a shepherd in Midian, humbly caring for sheep every day. It was at that time God chose to reveal himself to Moses through a burning bush, and Moses responded. Moses may have felt alone or forgotten, far from his people, but God was there; even Midian was holy ground! God visited Moses because of his covenant with the Patriarchs (2:24). Moses understood the holiness of God and hid his face.

2. “I have seen the misery of my people” (6-10)

Moses had acted out of concern for his people, but could do nothing. Perhaps he wondered if God saw what was going on. But God indeed saw their suffering. God heard their crying; he was concerned for them, and came down to rescue them. To do so, God chose Moses: “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh.” Moses had tried his own plan, and it didn’t work. Now God called Moses to action based on God’s plan, and sent him to bring his people out of Egypt.

Prayer Father, you are holy, you see all that is going on, and you are concerned. Thank you that you have a plan of salvation, and for the privilege to be part of it. Help me obey your plan today.

One Word Where you are standing is holy

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Exodus 2:11-25


Keywords 2:22

Zipporah gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershom, saying, "I have become an alien in a foreign land."


1. Moses: social justice warrior (11-15)

Moses grew up very capable: educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, powerful in speech and action (Ac 7:22). Instead of becoming a great Egyptian, he tried to help his suffering people, even murdering an Egyptian. He thought the Hebrews would see him as God’s superhero, but to them he was only another bully. They rejected him, and his actions resulted in him becoming a fugitive from Egypt.

2. Moses: husband and father in exile (16-25)

In Midian, Moses found refuge in Reuel’s house, whose daughters he had helped. Midian was the child of Keturah and Abraham (Ge 25:1,2), and Reuel means “friend of God,”or El, the God of the Patriarchs. Moses had a family, and a new life. But in naming Gershom he reveals his despair: he ended up a foreigner. During that long period, Moses thought the story was over, but God was just beginning. The king of Egypt died, and God heard the cry of his people. God remembered his covenant and looked with concern on Israel. He would take action in his time and in his way.


Prayer Father, often I think I’m the main actor in the story, but you alone are the initiator of history. Help me learn to wait on your time.

One Word Wait on God’s time 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Exodus 2:1-10


Keywords 2:2

and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.


1. Through his Levitical mother’s faith (1-4)

In the midst of oppression, God’s people continued to marry and have children, including a Levite family. When this woman gave birth to a boy, by the king’s edict he should have been crocodile food. She didn’t think of herself, but saw how fine the boy was and by faith hid him, defying Pharaoh’s decree. After three months, realizing she could not save him, she put him in a basket on the Nile: another act of faith. God blessed her and spared the child.

2. Through Pharaoh’s daughter’s mercy (5-10)

The basket stopped among the reeds before Pharaoh’s daughter! She saw him, heard his crying, and was moved to pity. Knowing he was a Hebrew child, she chose to take him in any way. His sister spoke up, and a way was made for the boy to be nursed by his own mother. He became the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, and she named him Moses, a Hebrew name that sounds like “drawn out.” Every time Moses heard his name, he would remember this story of amazing grace: God blessed the faith of his mother, the courage of his sister, and the mercy of Pharaoh's daughter to save him from death.


Prayer Thank you for your amazing saving grace. Help me remember your grace today.

One Word God’s amazing grace

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Exodus 1:1-22


Keywords 1:20

So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.


1. Pharaoh feared the Israelites increasing (1-14)

Seventy immigrant descendants of Jacob became exceedingly numerous, increasing for hundreds of years. They lived separately, but at peace with Egypt, until a new king appeared. He no longer saw Joseph as a national hero, but rather began to fear how fast the Hebrews multiplied. He used his political power to enact systemic policies of abuse against God’s people, enslaving them as laborers. The lives of God’s people became bitter and harsh under ruthless masters. Yet the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied.


2. Midwives feared God (15-22)

How was it possible for them to keep increasing? One reason was two midwives who defied the Pharaoh’s order to kill baby boys. They did this because they feared God more than people (Pr 29:25), and God blessed them with families of their own. This story shows God was with his people, faithfully fulfilling his promise to Abraham (Ge 22:17). But fear of people drove Pharaoh to genocide: throw all the baby boys into the Nile.


Prayer Father, you were with your people and caused them to increase even in hardship and oppression. Help me to fear you as the midwives, and be blessed and a blessing to your people.

One Word God blesses his people to increase

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2 Chronicles 36:15-23


Keywords 36:16

But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.


1. God’s judgment on Jerusalem (15-20)

The Chronicler comments that God mercifully sends his messengers again and again to lead his people back to him. But they humiliate his servants and hate his words, until finally God’s judgment is inevitable. God’s people have become thoroughly corrupted. So, God allows the Babylonians to wield his judgment. They kill most of them and take the remnant as POWs. The temple is burned and her articles carried off. Jerusalem is completely destroyed.

2. The prophecy of Jeremiah fulfilled (21-23)

The Chronicler depicts the exile as a good thing. The land finally has its sabbath rests for 70 years (21). Also, the prophecy of Jeremiah that the exile would last 70 years is fulfilled. God raises up the Persian King Xerxes who blesses them to return and rebuild the temple (23). God’s judgment is his hope to revive his people’s spirit.

Prayer Lord, thank you for your discipline which is your hope. Please revive us spiritually.

One Word God’s discipline is his hope to revive us

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

2 Chronicles 36:1-14


Keywords 36:12

He did evil in the eyes of the LORD his God and did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke the word of the LORD.

1. Three kings spiral downward (1-10)

After his father King Josiah died in battle, his son Jehoahaz reigned for three months before being dethroned by the king of Egypt. The following two kings Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin do evil in God’s eyes and are taken in shackles to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar, along with the valuable items in the temple.


2. Zedekiah did not humble himself (11-14)

The Chronicler notes that the last king Zedekiah did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke the word of the Lord. When he didn’t listen to Jeremiah, he had no shepherd and no word of God to guide him. He rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar, became stiff-necked, hardened his heart, and would not return to the Lord. Furthermore, the leaders, priests and people became more unfaithful, returning to idol worship and defiling the temple.

Prayer Lord, please help our nation to humble ourselves, listen to your word, and return to you.

One Word Be humble and listen to God’s word

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...