Sunday, December 19, 2021

Exodus 3:1-10


Keywords 3:5

"Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."


1. “I am the God of your father…” (1-5)

Moses lived an obscure life as a shepherd in Midian, humbly caring for sheep every day. It was at that time God chose to reveal himself to Moses through a burning bush, and Moses responded. Moses may have felt alone or forgotten, far from his people, but God was there; even Midian was holy ground! God visited Moses because of his covenant with the Patriarchs (2:24). Moses understood the holiness of God and hid his face.

2. “I have seen the misery of my people” (6-10)

Moses had acted out of concern for his people, but could do nothing. Perhaps he wondered if God saw what was going on. But God indeed saw their suffering. God heard their crying; he was concerned for them, and came down to rescue them. To do so, God chose Moses: “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh.” Moses had tried his own plan, and it didn’t work. Now God called Moses to action based on God’s plan, and sent him to bring his people out of Egypt.

Prayer Father, you are holy, you see all that is going on, and you are concerned. Thank you that you have a plan of salvation, and for the privilege to be part of it. Help me obey your plan today.

One Word Where you are standing is holy

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