Thursday, December 16, 2021

Exodus 1:1-22


Keywords 1:20

So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.


1. Pharaoh feared the Israelites increasing (1-14)

Seventy immigrant descendants of Jacob became exceedingly numerous, increasing for hundreds of years. They lived separately, but at peace with Egypt, until a new king appeared. He no longer saw Joseph as a national hero, but rather began to fear how fast the Hebrews multiplied. He used his political power to enact systemic policies of abuse against God’s people, enslaving them as laborers. The lives of God’s people became bitter and harsh under ruthless masters. Yet the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied.


2. Midwives feared God (15-22)

How was it possible for them to keep increasing? One reason was two midwives who defied the Pharaoh’s order to kill baby boys. They did this because they feared God more than people (Pr 29:25), and God blessed them with families of their own. This story shows God was with his people, faithfully fulfilling his promise to Abraham (Ge 22:17). But fear of people drove Pharaoh to genocide: throw all the baby boys into the Nile.


Prayer Father, you were with your people and caused them to increase even in hardship and oppression. Help me to fear you as the midwives, and be blessed and a blessing to your people.

One Word God blesses his people to increase

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