Monday, May 31, 2021

Genesis 45:1-28


Keywords 45:7

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.


1. Joseph reveals himself and God’s plan (1-15)

When he heard Judah’s words revealing his changed heart, Joseph could not

control his emotions any more, and he revealed his identity to his brother. At first,

they were terrified. But Joseph explained God’s purpose behind everything that

had happened. Joseph forgave his brothers because it was ultimately God who

sent him to Egypt to prepare the way to save his whole family. Joseph had been

co-working with God’s sovereignty. Then Joseph and all his brothers had a tearful

and joyful reunion.


2. Jacob is invited to Egypt (16-28)

Because Pharaoh was so pleased with Joseph’s service, he promised to

welcome Jacob and his family and give them the best of the land. Joseph’s

brothers went back to tell Jacob the news about Joseph. At first, he did not

believe them, but finally he was convinced and his spirit revived. Jacob also

learned something about God’s ways of working.


Prayer Father, help me to be a part of your plan that finally results in salvation.

Thank you for always succeeding in your good purpose.

One Word God is working to save

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Genesis 44:1-34


Keywords 44:33

"Now then, please let your servant remain here as my lord's slave in place of the boy, and let the boy return with his brothers.


1. Joseph plants a cup (1-13)

Joseph gave a final test to his brothers. When he sent them back to Jacob with

grain, in addition to putting their money back in their sacks again, he put his own

silver cup in Benjamin’s sack, to make him look like a thief. It was to see if his

brothers cared enough to protect him. When Joseph’s servant caught up to them

and discovered the cup, they all returned together to the city.


2. Judah offers himself (14-34)

Joseph’s brothers all seemed willing to become his slaves, but Joseph said he

would only take Benjamin, the “guilty” one. Then Judah stepped forward and told

Joseph the whole story about their father Jacob’s sorrow, and his own promise.

He begged Joseph to let him be enslaved in place of Benjamin. This was his fruit

of repentance. Judah was the representative of all his brothers’ repentance. He

had grown in the image of Christ, who offered himself for our sins.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus who offered himself in my place for my sins.

Help me grow in the image of Christ.

One Word Self-sacrificing love

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Genesis 43:1-34


Keywords 43:23

"It's all right," he said. "Don't be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks; I received your silver." Then he brought Simeon out to them.


1. Judah’s promise (1-14)

When Jacob’s family ran out of food again, Judah finally convinced his father

Jacob to send Benjamin to Egypt with them by taking personal responsibility for

Benjamin’s welfare. Judah had begun to be changed from his brother’s seller into

his brother’s keeper. They also took additional gifts to Egypt to try to appease



2. The brothers are amazed (15-34)

When they arrived in Egypt, the brothers asked Joseph’s servant about the

returned silver. The steward witnessed to them about the power of their own

God! This time, Joseph treated his brothers kindly. Joseph urgently asked about

his father, and he was moved to tears at the sight of his only younger brother

Benjamin. Then, Joseph seated all eleven brothers in the order of their ages. God’s

work in their lives was beyond their comprehension. They had a joyful reunion

feast with Joseph, though they still didn’t know it was him.


Prayer Father, thank you for working in selfish sinners to change them into

shepherds. Thank you for working for my good in ways I can’t understand.

One Word God’s work is astonishing


Friday, May 28, 2021

Genesis 42:1-38


Keywords 42:21

They said to one another, "Surely we are being punished because of our brother. We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that's why this distress has come upon us."


1. Joseph sees his brothers again (1-24)

The famine afflicted the land of Canaan also, so Jacob sent all of his remaining

sons except Benjamin to Egypt to buy food. When they saw Joseph, they did not

recognize him and bowed down, fulfilling Joseph’s dream from many years before.

Joseph spoke harshly to them and demanded that they return home and bring

back Benjamin, keeping Simeon as prisoner. Joseph overheard their remorseful

confession and was moved to tears.


2. Another test (25-38)

Because Joseph genuinely cared for his family, he sent grain back with his

brothers and also gave back their money. But even this kindness became

another test for the brothers; they were terrified that Joseph would accuse them

of stealing. Jacob also revealed his deep fatalism. Joseph had no desire to get

revenge on his brothers, because he lived before God. But he knew the sin in their

hearts. He used his authority from God to help repent.


Prayer Father, thank you for convicting me of sin, even when it is painful. Help

me be purified within.

One Word God touches our conscience to repent


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Genesis 41:37-57


Keywords 41:52

The second son he named Ephraim and said, "It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my



1. Joseph’s big promotion (37-49)

Pharaoh was highly impressed by Joseph’s ability, but more than that, he saw

God’s spirit at work in Joseph. So Pharaoh put him in charge of all Egypt. What a

sudden and drastic turnaround in Joseph’s situation! In his new position, Joseph

immediately got to work, not sitting at home but traveling around to oversee the

grain collection and storage personally. Joseph served the land of Egypt to bless

it and make it prosper, even though it was not his home country.


2. Joseph’s testimony (50-57)

God also gave Joseph a wife and children in Egypt, completing his blessing and

restoration. Joseph didn’t take this for granted, but reflected deeply on God’s

work in his life. Through the names of his two sons, he thanked God for helping

him overcome his sufferings and making him fruitful. If we keep our faith, the place

where God makes us suffer can also be the place where we bear much fruit.


Prayer Father, thank you for helping me understand how your plan works in my

life. Help me testify to how you have worked in me.

One Word Faith through suffering leads to fruit


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Genesis 41:1-36


Keywords 41:16

"I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires."


1. God sends Pharaoh a dream (1-16)

Joseph remained imprisoned for two more years, with seemingly no result from

interpreting the cupbearer’s dream. But then God sent Pharaoh two disturbing

dreams, about fat and skinny cows, and healthy and scorched grain. When

Pharaoh’s magicians failed to interpret the dream, the cupbearer remembered

Joseph, and Joseph was brought out of the prison. When he was brought before

Pharaoh, Joseph boldly testified that he could not interpret the dream with his

own ability, but only with God’s help.


2. Joseph interprets and gives counsel (17-36)

Joseph told Pharaoh that the dreams were a prediction that there would be

seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of the most severe famine. Joseph

also counseled Pharaoh in the best way to prepare for the famine, giving wise

direction for storing up grain in the years of plenty. When his moment came,

Joseph was ready to use his gifts.


Prayer Father, thank you for the opportunities you give me to serve. Help me be

ready for them, keep using my gifts to serve others and not give up hope.

One Word Keep using my gifts



Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Genesis 40:1-23


Keywords 40:8

"We both had dreams," they answered, "but there is no one to interpret them." Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams."


1. A shepherd for Pharaoh’s servants (1-8)

Two of Pharaoh’s top servants, his cupbearer and his baker, made Pharaoh angry

and were put into the prison with Joseph, who was assigned to watch over them.

God was preparing everything for Joseph’s next step. One day, Joseph could

tell both servants were disturbed. When he found out it was because of dreams,

Joseph offered to interpret the dreams. Joseph cared about others despite his

own sufferings, and he kept his faith in God’s purpose working through his own



2. Favorable and unfavorable interpretations (9-23)

The cupbearer’s dream indicated that he would be restored to Pharaoh’s service.

Joseph asked the cupbearer to mention him to Pharaoh so he could get out of

prison. The baker’s dream indicated that he would be executed, but Joseph still

told him the truth. Both dreams came true exactly as Joseph predicted. However,

the cupbearer forgot about Joseph.


Prayer Father, thank you for your good purpose working in everything. Help me

to shepherd others wherever I am and to hold on to my own dream from


One Word A shepherd who knows how God works


Monday, May 24, 2021

Genesis 39:13-23


Keywords 39:20b-21

But while Joseph was there in the prison, 21 the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.


1. Joseph suffers another loss (13-20a)

Joseph’s refusal to sin with Potiphar’s wife led to a false accusation and

imprisonment. For the second time, Joseph seemed to lose everything, just when

his conditions had begun to improve. There may not be any earthly reward for

holding on to our integrity, but rather persecution. When we are unjustly treated, it

is all the more important for us not to become bitter, but to look toward God and

keep our faith.


2. The Lord was with Joseph in prison (20b-23)

The prison warden, like Potiphar, could see God’s blessing on Joseph. Joseph

was soon in charge of everyone else in the prison. It was not a coincidence that

this was the prison for the king (Pharaoh’s) prisoners. Even in prison, God was

using Joseph while preparing him for the next step.


Prayer Father, thank you for making us victors in Jesus in any situation. I believe

you use me greatly when I hold on to my faith and don’t become bitter.

One Word God can use us anywhere


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Genesis 39:1-12


Keywords 39:5

From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the LORD blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.


1. A servant who is a steward (1-6a)

Joseph did not deserve to be sold into slavery by his jealous brothers.

Nonetheless, Joseph brought prosperity to Potiphar’s house, and Potiphar noticed

and entrusted Joseph with more responsibility. This could happen because the

Lord was with Joseph. Especially, God granted Joseph faith to be faithful even in

an unjust situation. By faith, we can start to be a blessing regardless of where we



2. Joseph maintains his integrity (6b-12)

After a while, Potiphar’s wife took notice of Joseph and tempted him. If Joseph

was bitter because of his brothers, he might have justified enjoying a sinful

reward”. But Joseph did not view his life as his to enjoy; he saw himself as the

steward of Potiphar’s house. He believed God was watching. With this attitude,

Joseph resisted sin with an absolute attitude, even literally running away.


Prayer Father, thank you for being with me to make me a blessing wherever I am.

Help me live before you as a steward and resist temptation absolutely.

One Word Be a blessing by living before God


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Zechariah 14:1-21


Keywords 14:9

The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.


1. On that day there will be one LORD (1-9)

Before the Messianic Kingdom is established all nations will gather against

Jerusalem to destroy it. The LORD will go out and fight, rescuing his people. That

day will be a unique day; there will be light day and night. Living water will flow out

from Jerusalem, and God will be king over all the earth, his name the only name.

Zechariah had this hope: “The LORD my God will come, and all the holy ones

with him.” Jesus teaches us to have this same hope, when he foretold his coming

again (Mk 13).


2. All nations will go up to worship the King (10-21)

The world on that day will be different. All the nations of the world will go up to

worship the King, the LORD Almighty. The Feast of Tabernacles was the harvest

celebration. God’s blessings will be poured out on all who dwell (tabernacle)

together with him. All will be marked “HOLY TO THE LORD”, even the horses and

pots! We will be secure.


Prayer Father, thank you for showing us that day. Help me live with hope in your

coming kingdom.

One Word Worship our King Jesus


Friday, May 21, 2021

Zechariah 13:1-9


Keywords 13:1

"On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.


1. I will remove the spirit of impurity (1-6)

God sees a day where idols and their prophets will be removed from the land.

The spirit of impurity is the spirit of deceit, who tempts God’s people to chase

after the things of this world, idols. But God has prepared a fountain to cleanse

his people from sin and impurity. Jesus says in Matthew 26:28, “This is my blood

of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” All who

are cleansed by the blood of Jesus are set free from sin and strife and receive love

and peace.


2. I will refine them like silver (7-9)

To accomplish this vision and remove the sin from his people, the shepherd had

to be struck, and his people scattered. But a remnant would be gathered, put into

the fire, and refined to be his people who call on him alone. This points to Jesus

and his church. Our present troubles are fires to refine our faith, conforming us to

Jesus’ image.


Prayer Father, thank you for cleansing us from sin through Jesus’ blood. In my

trials I call your name.

One Word Jesus is a fountain to cleanse us

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Zechariah 12:1-13


Keywords 12:10a

"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.


1. I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock (1-9)

Zechariah 12-14 are prophecies concerning the coming Messianic Kingdom,

marked by repetitions of the words “on that day” (16x). Although they rejected

Him, God had a day of restoration coming for his people Israel. He would make

them an immovable rock. Those who try to move it will injure themselves. Enemy

nations will be destroyed. This is fulfilled in the coming of Jesus as the cornerstone

(1Pe 2:7). As we come to him he makes us strong, because the LORD Almighty is

our God.


2. They will mourn as for a firstborn son (10-13)

God’s people were stubborn and unrepentant. But this would change when God

pours out a spirit of grace and supplication. All who look upon Jesus, who was

pierced because of our sins, are led to repentance by the conviction of the Holy

Spirit who was poured out at Pentecost and still at work today.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus, my Rock and Redeemer. Please grant your

Spirit to me today, that I may look upon Him and repent.

One Word God pours out the Spirit of Grace

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Zechariah 11:1-17


Keywords 11:4

This is what the LORD my God says: "Pasture the flock marked for slaughter.


1. Two staffs: Favor and Union (1-11)

Words of destruction on forest, pasture and thicket make a stark contrast with

the message of hope of the previous passages. God commands Zechariah to

take up shepherding of sheep marked for slaughter. The two staffs symbolize

the external protection (covenant with the nations) and the family bond of Judah

and Israel. The sheep detest him, Favor is broken – they will be slaughtered. They

realized this was a word of the LORD to them.


2. The thirty pieces of silver (12-17)

When asked for payment, the people give the “handsome price” of a slave’s

fee, 30 pieces of silver. It was rejection of the prophet, so their union would also

be broken. Instead of God’s chosen shepherd, a worthless shepherd would rule

them. This event points to one truth: Jesus, the good shepherd, was rejected

by his own people (Jn 1:11) and betrayed for 30 pieces of silver so we may be

received by God.


Prayer Father, thank you for your mercy to us in Jesus. Help me humbly

remember it every day.

One Word Jesus was rejected in my place


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Zechariah 10:1-12


Keywords 10:4

From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler.


1. The LORD Almighty will care for his flock (1-5)

God invites us to ask him for his blessing. Idols are deceitful, and people wander

due to poor leaders. They need a good shepherd. God our Shepherd has raised up

for us a good leader, the Lord Jesus. As a cornerstone, he is our one foundation.

As a tent peg he stabilizes us, expanding our influence and withstanding harsh

winds. As our battle bow he has fought and defeated our enemy, Satan. He rules

over us with justice and peace, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to



2. In his name they will live securely (6-12)

God promises to strengthen and save his people, whose children had been

scattered here and there. God will gather, redeem and bless them to return. We

too long for our children to know his joy. Only in Jesus are we and our children

strengthened. Only in his name may we live securely.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus our cornerstone. Strengthen me in his name


One Word Jesus is our cornerstone

Monday, May 17, 2021

Zechariah 9:1-17


Keywords 9:9

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey


1. Your King is righteous and victorious (1-10)

Zechariah’s word of the LORD against enemies, particularly the Philistines,

contrasts with verse 9. Their righteous and victorious king is coming, but he is a

humble king, riding on a donkey’s colt. His reign brings peace to the nations. This

king is Jesus (Mt 21:5; Jn 12:15). He reigns victoriously through his finished work

on the cross, and humbly shares his victory with us as we welcome him into our

lives as Savior and King. In him alone is peace.


2. The Shepherd LORD saves his flock (11-17)

The LORD’s people had many more conflicts, but God would free them from

prison, restore them, and raise them as a fighting force. God’s promise of

salvation looks forward to the day of final victory, when he saves his people as a

shepherd saves his flock. How beautiful we will be when Jesus comes again to

reign in his eternal kingdom!


Prayer Father, thank you for sending Jesus our King. Help me rejoice and

welcome him today.

One Word Jesus is my shepherd king

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Zechariah 8:14-23


 Keywords 8:16

These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts;

1. A joyful community of truth and peace (14-19)

As God had punished their sins, he was no determined to do good. This was a new start in their relationship. How would they become a blessing? God emphasized a community built on truth and justice, reflecting his holy character. As they do so, the proscribed fasting and feasts become joyful events of fellowship with God. Therefore, we too should love truth and peace.

2. “Let us go and seek the LORD Almighty” (20-23)

When their community reflects God’s character all peoples will notice: “Look at these joyful, truthful and peaceful people!” Many will be drawn to God and encourage each other, “Let’s go to entreat … and seek the LORD Almighty!” Each one of God’s people will have tenfold influence, as people see: “God is with you.” This word is accomplished today through the church, if we continue to maintain our fidelity to God’s holy lifestyle, starting from within.


Prayer Father, you have shown the way to be a blessing. Help me love truth and peace today.

One Word Love truth and peace

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Zechariah 8:1-13


Keywords 8:8

I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my people, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God."

1. “I am very jealous for Zion” (1-8)

God revealed great visions to Zechariah to restore his people after their sins were removed. Now God was burning with jealousy for Zion. He will return and dwell there. The city had been destroyed. To the remnant now living there, the idea that elderly and little children would enjoy life in the war-torn city was marvelous. But not to the LORD Almighty. He will bring back the people and prove himself faithful and righteous to them as their God.

2. “Let your hands be strong” (9-13)

God wants a two-sided relationship with his people. They need to make space for him in their lives and community, and this begins with the temple. The foundation had been laid, but persecution prevented them from finishing. Now God says, “Let your hands be strong.” He will save and he will make his people a blessing. It’s time to make room in our lives and community for him today.

Prayer Father, thank you for sharing your desire to be with me. Help me make room for you today.

One Word Gods love is a jealous love

Friday, May 14, 2021

Zechariah 7:1-14


Keywords 7:9

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.


1. Can we stop fasting now? (1-7)

Temple construction resumed in the 2nd year of Darius and completed in the 6th year (Ez 6:15). Since the exile was over, the people had one question: “Can we stop fasting and repenting now, as we’ve been doing for 70 years?” The LORD says, “Was it really for me that you fasted?” He is looking for more than ritual sacrifices; God is looking at our hearts. His message has not changed: he wants true fasting.

2. True fasting (8-14)

Isaiah 58:1-5 exposed their hypocritical fasting. God’s word is the same (Mic 6:8; Isa 58:6): “Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.” When they would not listen to God, he would not listen to their prayers. They, and we, should learn from history.

Prayer Father, thank you for showing justice, mercy and compassion in Jesus life. Help me follow his example today.

One Word Show mercy and compassion

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Zechariah 5:1-6:15


Keywords 6:13

It is he who will build the temple of the LORD, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two.'


1. Final three visions (5:1-6:8)

The giant scroll cursed thieves and hypocrites. The leaden basket bound wickedness and was sent to Babylon. The final vision of chariots represents God’s power over all the earth to carry out his will. His will and plan to remove idolatry from his people through the exile was now accomplished.

2. The Branch crowned (6:9-15)

Joshua’s priestly office foreshadowed Jesus as High Priest (Zech 3). Here Joshua was given a symbolic gold crown and called the Branch. He would build the temple, showing the main work of building was spiritual. There is no record of Joshua sitting on a throne and ruling. But Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16). He reigns over his people with justice and righteousness and as our High Priest is always interceding for us. In Jesus, the role of priest and king is in harmony.

Prayer Father, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to diligently obey King Jesus today.

One Word Jesus is Lord and Intercessor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Zechariah 4:1-14


Keywords 4:6b

'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

1. The solid gold lampstand (1-10)

The lampstand symbolizes the presence and faithfulness of God with his people in the temple. Zerubbabel had laid the temple’s foundation (Ez 3:10), but was too weak to finish it (Ez 4). God doesn’t want him to rely on military or human power, but on God’s Spirit to finish the temple. It would be done as God said later: the capstone placed by the hands of Zerubbabel (7-9). We need to depend on God’s Spirit, not despise the small things, so we may witness revival in our time.

2. The two olive trees (11-14)

With Joshua and Zerubbabel as two anointed servants, the temple would be rebuilt, the place of God’s presence with his people. This was symbolized by the two olive trees and the golden lampstand. Jesus fulfills both these places as Priest and King. God is with us in Jesus (Mt 1:21) and will be with us always (Mt 28:20).

Prayer Father, thank you for accomplishing your salvation work through Jesus. Help me depend on your Spirit, not my might, in these days

One Word Depend on the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Zechariah 3:1-10


Keywords 3:8b

I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.

1. See, I have taken away your sin (1-7)

Joshua was in the first group to return from exile by Cyrus’ decree. He was high priest and Zerubbabel was governor (Ez 2:2; Hag 1:1). Satan attacked him relentlessly, but God rescued him like a stick from the fire. His filthy clothes represent the shameful sins of him and his people. But God forgave his sins and clothed him with fine garments. The covenant could then be resumed between God and his people (6-7). As the priest goes, so go the people.

2. You are symbolic of things to come (8-10)

Restoring the priesthood was important in that day, but also symbolic of God’s redemptive plan moving forward to the Branch. Jeremiah 23:5 tells of a just and righteous Branch coming from David. This Branch will be the LORD our Righteous Savior. Jesus is the Branch, our Great High Priest (Heb 4:14-16), and the stone upon which the Church is built (1Pe 2:4). The removal of sin in a single day was completed by Jesus on the cross.

Prayer Father, thank you for sending Jesus our High Priest who forgives our sins.

One Word See, I have taken away your sin

Monday, May 10, 2021

Zechariah 2:1-13


Keywords 2:10

"Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you," declares the LORD.

1. I myself will be a wall of fire around it (1-5)

This third vision of an angelic messenger with a measuring line taking the dimensions of a new Jerusalem contrasts with the city in Zechariah’s day: without walls or a temple for God to dwell in. God gives them hope: “I myself will be the wall around it; its glory within.”

2. God’s vision for Jerusalem (6-13)

What matters to God was not walls and temples but his people. Whether in Babylon or Zion, he calls them “Daughter,” and invites them to “Come out!” They are the apple of his eye, precious to him. Their enemies would be plundered to rebuild Jerusalem (see Ezra 6:4, 8-10). God is coming to dwell with his people and they would all see it in their generation. We also live in hope and vision of a coming messianic kingdom – one that is already and not yet – where God is dwelling with us by the Holy Spirit and where many nations are his people.

Prayer Father, thank you for sharing your vision. Fill me with this hope as I await your coming.

One Word The LORD Almighty will do it

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...