Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Exodus 26:1-37


Keywords 26:33b

The curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.


1. A beautiful tent to meet with God (1-30)

Tabernacle means dwelling place. While meeting with God at the holy mountain was dramatic, God wanted to have a place among the people that was portable. This way, he could be with them and lead them wherever they go. With finely embroidered curtains and gold covered frames, the place was beautiful and well-designed according to Gods own plan. This tent would be replaced by the sanctuary in the temple in Solomons day. But both are a shadow of a heavenly sanctuary (Heb 8:5).


2. A Holy and Most Holy place (31-37)

The covered tent had a two-room layout, which God called the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, separated by a curtain. This separation was needed because God is holy (19:22-23), making access to God very limited due to our sins. When Jesus died and the curtain was torn in two (Mk 15:38), a new and living way was opened for us to come to God anytime and anyplace (Heb 10:19-20).


Prayer Father, thank you for opening a way to your holy presence through Jesus. Help me come to you by the blood of Jesus today.

One Word Gods desire is to be with us

Monday, May 30, 2022

Exodus 25:23-40


Keywords 25:30

Put the bread of the Presence on this table to be before me at all times.


1. Table for the bread of the Presence (23-30)

A wooden table, covered with gold, was to always hold fresh bread so the people could always remember the presence and providence of God. Later, God would provide manna as bread from heavenwhich points to Jesus, the true bread (Jn 6:49,51). The purpose of the bread is to teach us thankfulness for Gods continually abiding presence and providence. We remember this presence at the Lords table (Lk 22:19).


2. The lampstand of pure gold (31-40)

A beautiful lampstand made of pure goldadorned with gold almond flowers would provide light in the covered tabernacle. The lamp showed the way to Gods presence. This reminds us of Jesus, the light of the world. In Revelation, lampstands represent the church (Rev 1:20). We are to let Jesus light shine through us (Mt 5:16), pointing to Jesus who is the way to God, as the lampstand did. All this is to be done by Gods pattern and plan.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus, the bread of life and light of the world. Grant me a daily thankful heart, and help me shine Jesus the way to the world around me.

One Word Come to Jesus


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Exodus 25:1-22


Keywords 25:8

Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.


1. Make a sanctuary for me (1-9)

Gods desire is to dwell with his people. To do so, God tells Moses to have the people make a sanctuary for God. The community itself, through volunteer offerings, would collect all the necessary materials to construct it, and God would give detailed instructions based on his own pattern. This is a shadow of a heavenly tabernacle, pointing to Jesus, who made his dwelling among us (Heb 9:8).


2. The ark and the atonement cover (10-22)

The first and most important part of the tabernacle was the ark of the covenant law, where the terms of the covenant between the holy God and his people were kept. The atonement cover is where God meets with his people, based on the covenant and the blood of atonement for sin (Lev 16:2,15-16). In Jesus, we dwell with God through a far superior covenant (Heb 8:6-7). So let us draw near to God by faith in Jesus and his blood shed for our atonement (Heb 10:19-22).


Prayer Father, you are holy, we are sinful. Yet you made a way to dwell with us based on covenant and blood. Thank you for Jesus.

One Word Draw near to God

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Exodus 24:1-18


Keywords 24:8

Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words."


1. Covenant sealed in blood (1-11)

God outlined his covenant to Moses in chapters 20-24, and the people agreed to it three times (19:8; 24:3,7). Sacrifices of bloodsanctified on the altar and sprinkled on the peoplesealed the covenant based on the Book of the Covenant. The purpose of the covenant was for God to dwell with his people, demonstrated by Moses and the elders fellowship with God. But this covenant was conditional (19:5-6), and they could not keep it. This looks forward to a new covenant (Jer 31:31-34) that is unconditional, providing forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus (Mt 26:28). In this covenant, we enjoy fellowship with God and eternal life.


2. The glory of the LORD (12-18)

God called Moses up to the mountain, and his glory settled on it. For God to remain with his people required holiness. God would give to Moses instructions how to be holy.


Prayer Father, thank you for the new covenant in Jesus blood. Help me live by faith in it today.

One Word Fellowship with God in Jesus

Friday, May 27, 2022

Exodus 23:20-33


Keywords 23:25

Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,


1. I am sending an angel ahead of you (20-23)

God promised to Abraham the land of Canaan (Ge 15:18-21). It was already populated with powerful and wicked nations. God promised his angel, who bore his Namehis character, authority, and powerwould clear the way. The people only had to trust and obey. In the same way, we follow Jesus, trusting and obeying him.


2. I will (24-33)

The main danger of the Canaanite peoples was not their armies, but their idols. To combat their corrupt practices, Gods people should demolish the idols. But that was not enough. A good offense is the best defense: Worship the LORD your God. If Gods people focused on their own God, God would bless them. Note the repetition of I will... in verses 25-33 (9x), showing God would do everything; he always keeps his covenant. All they needed to do was obey and worship the LORD. The LORD is our God too and has given us everything in Jesus.


Prayer Father, you are worthy of worship because of who you are and all you have done for us in Christ Jesus. Help me worship you.

One Word Let us worship the LORD our God

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Exodus 23:1-19


Keywords 23:17

Three times a year all the men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD.


1. Justice and mindfulness (1-13)

Gods people are to reflect Gods character in society. Here God focuses on justice. Justice should not be perverted based on personal or majority preference, economic or social position, bribes, or immigration status. Instead, truth is the standard of justice. God gave the Sabbath in keeping with holiness. But verses 10-13 focus on mindfulness. Religious observance must not neglect the poor, the foreigner, slaves, and even animals.


2. Celebrate a festival to me (14-19)

Gods people were given three festivals to celebrate God: The Festival of Unleavened Bread commemorates the Passover. The Middle East has two harvest seasons: Firstfruits in the spring, and the ingathering of all the crops in the fall. By keeping these festivals, Gods people remember Gods grace and sovereignty. Giving thanks to God in an appropriate way is to appear before God, preparing the best gift to give to him.


Prayer Father, thank you that you are just and mindful, and pour out your blessings yearly. Help me remember your sovereign grace.

One Word Remember Gods grace in Jesus

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Exodus 22:16-31


Keywords 22:27b

When he cries out to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.


1. ...for I am compassionate (16-27)

While slaves in Egypt, Israeli society was oppressed under a might makes right worldview. People did as they pleased, following the godless culture and influences of Egypt. The weak and powerless suffered. Gods people are to grow in Gods attributes, including his compassion. He expects his people to protect young girls, not oppress foreigners, or take advantage of widows, the fatherless, or the poor. The chief value of Gods society is not tolerance, but compassion and holiness.


2. You are to be my holy people (28-31)

God is holy. Being Gods people integrates acknowledgment of God in every area of life. This includes governing, giving offerings regularly, and remembering Gods grace of deliverance from Egypt by consecrating the firstborn (13:2). No longer slaves who eat whatever can be found, Gods holy people are to bear his image.


Prayer Father, thank you for calling me to grow in your compassion and holiness. Help me love you and love my neighbor practically.

One Word God is compassionate and holy


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Exodus 22:1-15


Keywords 22:3b

A thief must certainly make restitution…


1. Thieves must make restitution (1-6)

Gods command is: You shall not steal (20:14). As owners are held responsible for their possessions, the law also grants the right to own and protect personal property. In all cases of theft, appropriate restitution (usually to pay back double) is to be made, even if the thief must be sold to cover the debt. By setting the restitution clearly, thieves are protected from unjust penalties or revenge. Instead of stealing, we should work and share with those in need (Eph 4:28).


2. God, through judges, determines guilt (7-15)

In cases where guilt is not obvious, both parties are to appear before judges who represent God himself. Those declared guilty must pay back the victim double. If no clear decision is found, an oath before the LORD is to settle the matter. Fear of the LORD keeps society honest and just. Without this, justice is undermined and impossible.


Prayer Father, we could never repay our debt, but you have brought reconciliation through Jesus blood. Help me to be thankful, respect other peoples property, and live in the fear of the LORD today.

One Word Make restitution

Monday, May 23, 2022

Exodus 21:12-36


Keywords 21:24

eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,


1. Justice for the vulnerable (12-27)

Gods command is: You shall not murder (20:13). In the case of unintentional death, the perpetrator could flee. But those who scheme and kill deliberately are to be put to death. Further expansion of this law was made to protect the most vulnerable of society: kidnapping victims, elderly parents, slaves, women, and the unborn. In all cases, society is to hold people responsible and protect the weak. Gods law of eye for eye prevents cyclical vengeance while holding people accountable. Jesus tells us not to resist an evil person but to turn the other cheek (Mt 5:38-42), overcoming evil with good (Ro 12:21).


2. Owners responsibility (28-36)

In an agrarian society, a bull was not only a very important piece of equipment, but also a powerful and dangerous force if not cared for. Gods law held owners responsible for their animals. Again, special mention is made for the vulnerable: slaves and children.


Prayer Father, thank you for your law that brings justice and protects the vulnerable. Help me learn and practice your justice in my life.

One Word Gods law is just

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Matthew 16:1-12


Keywords 16:12

Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.


1. Signs must lead to faith in Jesus (1-4)

The Pharisees and Sadducees were usually enemies, but they were united in their total disdain for Jesus. They tested Jesus by asking him for a sign. Jesus had already performed many signs. Another sign would not lead them to faith but further skepticism about Jesus. Jesus rebuked them. They knew how to interpret the sky for the weather but would not interpret Jesus signs. May Jesus signs to us deepen our faith in him.


2. Be on your guard (5-12)

Jesus warned his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples minds immediately went to their lack of bread. Jesus was not talking about bread. He reminded them that twice he was able to feed thousands with just a few loaves. They ought not to worry about bread. Jesus was talking about the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their corrupted teaching was imperceptible but could also puff up a listener with pride. Any teaching that puts the focus on us and not on God is spiritually dangerous.


Prayer Lord, give me a humble heart to accept your word. Please give me discernment.

One Word Seek God through his word


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Matthew 15:29-39


Keywords 15:36

Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people.


1. Jesus decides to feed the crowd (29-33)

Jesus moved from Tyre and Sidon back to the Sea of Galilee. Huge, needy crowds gathered. Jesus continued his healing ministry to what is believed to be a mostly Gentile crowd (who praise the God of Israel). Jesus expressed the same compassion to Gentiles as he did with Jewish crowds in chapter 14 by deciding to feed them. The disciples were at a loss at how to do that. They seemed to have forgotten what Jesus could do. How will you respond when God prompts you to participate in what he wants to do?


2. How many loaves do you have? (34-39)

Jesus asked the disciples what they had. It was only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. But Jesus took it, thanked his Father, broke it, and gave it to his disciples to distribute to the four thousand men besides woman and children. Everyone ate well, and there were even basketfuls of food left over. Let us not underestimate how God can bless others when we give him what we have.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your tender care for all kinds of people. Help us to remember what youve done and offer what we have to you in faith.

One Word What can you offer to Jesus?


Friday, May 20, 2022

Matthew 15:21-28


Keywords 15:28

Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.


1. A desperate cry for help (21-26)

After rebuking the religious leaders, Jesus withdrew to Gentile region. Jesus was met by a Canaanite woman who begged him to heal her demon-possessed daughter. This womans child suffered terribly. Jesus did not immediately respond, and the disciples urged him to send her away. Jesus replied to her that he was sent for Jews, but the woman persisted. Then Jesus responded that it was not right to toss childrens bread to the dogs. Jesus sounded cruel, but this was a test of faith.


2. A spiritual response that pleased Jesus (27-28)

Rather than take offense, the Canaanite woman heard Jesus response as an invitation. She caught that Jesus called her a house doga pet that is fed by the master of the house. She humbly accepted her position before Lord Jesus. She wholly depended on Jesus grace to receive what she could not earn nor pay for. Jesus was impressed by her genuine and humble faith and healed her sick daughter. Like this woman, we are all like dogs before Jesus, but let us have her faith.


Prayer Lord, thank you for answering my cries for help with your one-sided grace. Help me to live with a humble faith that pleases you.

One Word Faith that pleases the Lord Jesus

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...