Monday, May 23, 2022

Exodus 21:12-36


Keywords 21:24

eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,


1. Justice for the vulnerable (12-27)

Gods command is: You shall not murder (20:13). In the case of unintentional death, the perpetrator could flee. But those who scheme and kill deliberately are to be put to death. Further expansion of this law was made to protect the most vulnerable of society: kidnapping victims, elderly parents, slaves, women, and the unborn. In all cases, society is to hold people responsible and protect the weak. Gods law of eye for eye prevents cyclical vengeance while holding people accountable. Jesus tells us not to resist an evil person but to turn the other cheek (Mt 5:38-42), overcoming evil with good (Ro 12:21).


2. Owners responsibility (28-36)

In an agrarian society, a bull was not only a very important piece of equipment, but also a powerful and dangerous force if not cared for. Gods law held owners responsible for their animals. Again, special mention is made for the vulnerable: slaves and children.


Prayer Father, thank you for your law that brings justice and protects the vulnerable. Help me learn and practice your justice in my life.

One Word Gods law is just

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