Keywords 25:8
Then have them
make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.
1. Make a sanctuary for me (1-9)
God’s desire is to dwell with his people. To do so, God
tells Moses to have the people make a sanctuary for God. The community itself,
through volunteer offerings, would collect all the necessary materials to
construct it, and God would give detailed instructions based on his own
pattern. This is a shadow of a heavenly tabernacle, pointing to Jesus, who made
his dwelling among us (Heb 9:8).
2. The
ark and the atonement cover (10-22)
The first
and most important part of the tabernacle was the ark of the covenant law,
where the terms of the covenant between the holy God and his people were kept.
The atonement cover is where God meets with his people, based on the covenant
and the blood of atonement for sin (Lev 16:2,15-16). In Jesus, we dwell with
God through a far superior covenant (Heb 8:6-7). So let us draw near to God by
faith in Jesus and his blood shed for our atonement (Heb 10:19-22).
Prayer Father, you
are holy, we are sinful. Yet you made a way to dwell with us based on covenant
and blood. Thank you for Jesus.
One Word Draw near
to God
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