Thursday, May 26, 2022

Exodus 23:1-19


Keywords 23:17

Three times a year all the men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD.


1. Justice and mindfulness (1-13)

Gods people are to reflect Gods character in society. Here God focuses on justice. Justice should not be perverted based on personal or majority preference, economic or social position, bribes, or immigration status. Instead, truth is the standard of justice. God gave the Sabbath in keeping with holiness. But verses 10-13 focus on mindfulness. Religious observance must not neglect the poor, the foreigner, slaves, and even animals.


2. Celebrate a festival to me (14-19)

Gods people were given three festivals to celebrate God: The Festival of Unleavened Bread commemorates the Passover. The Middle East has two harvest seasons: Firstfruits in the spring, and the ingathering of all the crops in the fall. By keeping these festivals, Gods people remember Gods grace and sovereignty. Giving thanks to God in an appropriate way is to appear before God, preparing the best gift to give to him.


Prayer Father, thank you that you are just and mindful, and pour out your blessings yearly. Help me remember your sovereign grace.

One Word Remember Gods grace in Jesus

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