Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Exodus 22:1-15


Keywords 22:3b

A thief must certainly make restitution…


1. Thieves must make restitution (1-6)

Gods command is: You shall not steal (20:14). As owners are held responsible for their possessions, the law also grants the right to own and protect personal property. In all cases of theft, appropriate restitution (usually to pay back double) is to be made, even if the thief must be sold to cover the debt. By setting the restitution clearly, thieves are protected from unjust penalties or revenge. Instead of stealing, we should work and share with those in need (Eph 4:28).


2. God, through judges, determines guilt (7-15)

In cases where guilt is not obvious, both parties are to appear before judges who represent God himself. Those declared guilty must pay back the victim double. If no clear decision is found, an oath before the LORD is to settle the matter. Fear of the LORD keeps society honest and just. Without this, justice is undermined and impossible.


Prayer Father, we could never repay our debt, but you have brought reconciliation through Jesus blood. Help me to be thankful, respect other peoples property, and live in the fear of the LORD today.

One Word Make restitution

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