Thursday, March 31, 2022

Psalms 26:1-12


Keywords 26:12

My feet stand on level ground; in the great assembly I will praise the LORD.


1. Your love is ever before me (1-8)

David had done his best to live an upright life before God. He stayed away from deceitful men and he hated evildoers. He went around loudly praising God and telling others of what God had done. However, he did not become self-righteous. David asked God to vindicate him and to remember his blameless life. He put his trust in God, not himself. With Gods love and help, he would continue to walk in the way of truth. He wanted most of all to be where God was.


2. Redeem me (9-12)

David wanted to please God, but he was surrounded by bloodthirsty men. Their wicked schemes and bribes might have tempted David to do what they were doing. He prayed for Gods mercy and to be redeemed from the wicked. With Gods help, his feet would be planted on level ground and he would praise the Lord.


Prayer Lord, lead me not into temptation, but help me to walk in the way of truth and praise you.

One Word Walk continually in the truth

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Psalms 25:1-22


Keywords 25:5

guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.


1. Show me your ways, O Lord (1-14)

David desired most of all to know God. He trusted God and his ways above his own ways and ideas. He prayed for the Lord to teach and guide him in the right paths. When David followed his own ways, he rebelled and sinned against God. He asked God for forgiveness. He accepted that those who are humble, who keep Gods covenant of love, and who fear him are most blessed. God confides in and establishes his covenant with those who fear him.


2. Put your hope in God (15-22)

David trusted the Lord in the time of trouble. His heart was in anguish. He asked God to look upon his distress and to forgive his sins. His hope remained in God. He prayed to maintain integrity and uprightness in the time of affliction. He also prayed for his nation to be delivered from trouble.


Prayer Lord, help me to learn your ways and to put my hope in you at all times.

One Word My hope is in God

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Psalms 24:1-10


Keywords 24:4

He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.


1. Everything belongs to the Lord (1-6)

All of creation, including our lives, belongs to God. He created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. The Lord reigns above all creation. Though all his creatures long to know him and dwell with him, who can actually be with him? Only those whose hands are clean from evil, whose hearts are pure, whose souls worship God alone, and whose lips do not speak deceit may be in Gods presence. No one is like this, but all who receive Jesus as Lord and Savior have their sins washed away. They are vindicated by the blood of Jesus. They may stand in Gods presence.


2. Lift up your heads (7-10)

Gates allow people to come into a city or house. The Psalmist compares people to gates. We can decide whom and what to allow into our hearts. We must open the gates of our hearts to the King of glory. He is the Lord Almighty who is strong and mighty. He gives victory over all his enemies.


Prayer Lord, everything belongs to you, including me. Thank you for Jesus who washes my sins away. I welcome you newly into my heart.

One Word He is the King of glory

Monday, March 28, 2022

Psalms 23:1-6


Keywords 23:1

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.


1. He restores my soul (1-3)

David confessed that the Lord was his shepherd. When David allowed God to lead him, he lacked nothing. The Lord made David lie down in green pastures to feed and led him beside quiet waters to drink when he needed rest. The Lord restored Davids soul and led David to do what pleased God. The Lord did this for his own names sake. Jesus is our Good Shepherd.


2. You are with me (4-6)

David addressed God as you in the dark valleys of life. Though David faced evil and death, his faith became even more personal at those times. Gods rod and staff were a comfort, for they provided discipline, guidance, and protection. David would be honored in the presence of his enemies. Hardship and trial deepened Davids assurance of Gods goodness and love for him. One day, he would dwell with the Lord forever in heaven.


Prayer Lord, thank you for Jesus, my good shepherd. Help me to follow you closely today.

One Word The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Psalms 22:1-31


Keywords 22:19

But you, O LORD, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me.


1. O Lord, be not far off (1-21)

David was suffering immensely at the hands of evil people when he wrote this Psalm. He cried out to God for relief, but his prayers seem to go unanswered. Jesus echoed this cry on the cross. However, David did not become bitter. He remembered Gods faithfulness to his forefathers. God had been with him from the time he was in his mothers womb. David continued to trust in God and he asked God for help.


2. He rules over the nations (22-31)

David was sure that God would listen to his cry for help and rescue him. With this assurance, David declared that he would honor God before the people. He also called on his people to revere and praise God. Davids situation at the moment looked bleak, but he was certain that the Lord was sovereign over all men and nations. He looked forward to the day when all peoples would bow down before the Lord. Future generations would hear of Gods righteousness.


Prayer Lord, you are my strength when I am in distress. Help me to trust you no matter what.

One Word Trust God in all circumstances


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Psalms 21:1-13


Keywords 21:7

For the king trusts in the LORD; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.


1. Glad in your presence (1-7)

King David returned from battle victorious. God had saved David and delivered Davids enemies into his hands. Gods glory was revealed in these victories. David praised God for these victories because through them, he was all the more aware of Gods presence and power. Davids joy came not only from victories but also from Gods presence. He took deeper root in Gods unfailing love. Let us pray for our leaders to trust in the Lord and that their confidence would come from Gods unfailing love.


2. Gods wrath against his enemies (8-13)

We can understand Gods intense love for his children in light of his wrath. David was aware of Gods wrath against his enemies. God loves his children but will destroy those who rebel against him. Those who plot evil and devise wicked schemes will be consumed by fire. This will happen when Jesus returns again.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your unfailing love for sinners like me. Help me to faithfully love you so that I may be ready on the day of your appearing.

One Word Gods unfailing love

Friday, March 25, 2022

Psalms 20:1-9


Keywords 20:7

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.


1. May the Lord grant all your requests (1-5)

Psalm 20 was a prayer for salvation and victory for the king of Israel as he led the nation into battle. Victory and salvation are ultimately not for political reasons, but to lift up the name of God among the nations. The hearts desire should be for Gods name to be lifted up. Our King Jesus leads us into a spiritual war against our enemy Satan. We cannot defeat Satan on our own, but Jesus leads us to certain victory. May Jesus desires be our desires. May he grant our request for his kingdom to come to earth as it is in heaven.


2. We trust in the Lord (6-9)

The Lord saves by his own powerful hand. We must prepare for the spiritual battle, but we cannot trust ourselves or our techniques and methods. We can trust in someone greater - the Lord our God. He brings the enemy to his knees and helps us to stand firm and upright.


Prayer Lord, thank you for ensuring victory when we trust you. Put your desires in my heart.

One Word The battle is the Lords

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Psalms 19:1-14


Keywords 19:14

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.


1. Gods glory in creation (1-6)

God has revealed himself to us in nature. He created all things for his glory. Though nature does not literally speak, it nevertheless figuratively declares Gods glory. The sun rises and sets day after day like a champion athlete running his course. God makes this happen. The moon and stars display Gods infinite knowledge. Everyone can see Gods glory in nature.


2. Gods glory in his word (7-14)

Nature is limited in what it can tell us about God, so God has also given us his perfect word. By his word, our souls are revived. His word gives light to our eyes. Gods word is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey, for by his word we know who God is, what he requires, and how much he loves us. When David meditated on Gods glory, he was overwhelmed. He asked for the forgiveness of sins. He prayed that his words and thoughts would always be pleasing in Gods sight. He confessed that God was his Rock and Redeemer.


Prayer Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to us. May my speech and thoughts be pleasing to you.

One Word Meditate on Gods work and word

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Psalms 18:20-50


Keywords 18:28

You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.


1. Gods way is perfect (20-31)

Trials and trouble can tempt us to compromise our faith and obedience to God. David had several opportunities to kill Saul, but he did not. David obeyed God and maintained a right relationship with God. Then God delivered David with victory. God shows his faithfulness to us when we are faithful to him. He shows himself pure and blameless when we obey his trustworthy word. When we struggle to keep Gods perfect way and word, even in the midst of hardship and trial, God will turn our darkest times into light.


2. The Lord lives! (32-50)

David experienced a great victory over Saul. He gave all the credit to God. God had strengthened Davids hands for battle. God had made Davids enemies turn away in flight. God had established Davids throne. David praised God, his Rock and Savior, who subdued nations and saved him from his enemies. David saw this as an opportunity to praise and exalt the Lord among the nations.


Prayer Lord, help me to be faithful and pure. I praise you for turning my darkness into light.

One Word Gods way and word are perfect

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Psalms 18:1-19


Keywords 18:2

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.


1. I love you, O Lord (1-3)

David confessed his love for God after he had personally experienced Gods saving grace. Because of Sauls jealousy, David lived as a fugitive for years. But God delivered David from Sauls treacherous hands. Through these difficulties, David learned to trust God as his rock, fortress, and deliverer. God is also our horn of salvation and our stronghold from our enemy, the devil. God is worthy of our praise for he is able to save us from our enemies.


2. God rescued me (4-19)

Several times, David was very close to death, but each time God rescued him. God heard Davids cries for help. In verses 7-19, David felt that God had stepped down from heaven and displayed his awesome power against his enemies. Davids enemies were too strong for him, but God rescued and brought him to a secure place.


Prayer Lord, I love you because you loved me and rescued me from sin and death. Help me to remember your grace and trust you more.

One Word God is my shield and horn of salvation

Monday, March 21, 2022

Psalms 17:1-15


Keywords 17:7

Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.


1. I call on you, O God (1-9)

This psalm expresses Davids cry for help in a time of great trouble. He cried out to God in prayer because evil men were attacking him. Many people curse, complain, and slander in the midst of personal agonies. However, David had already resolved not to sin with his lips and not to take vengeance with his hands. Instead, he entrusted his life and all justice to God. He asked to see Gods great love for him and for God to keep him as the apple of his eye. David believed Gods love for him and held on to and obeyed Gods word.


2. Satisfied with your likeness (10-15)

Davids enemies were like hungry lions, waiting to devour him like prey. He asked God to confront them and to rescue him. David believed God would deal with his enemies in justice and vindicate him. But even more than having his immediate troubles resolved, David longed to see Gods face. One day he would awake in the kingdom of God and be truly satisfied in Gods presence.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your love for sinners like me. Please protect me from my enemy Satan.

One Word Gods great love for his children

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Psalms 16:1-11


Keywords 16:8

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.


1. No good thing apart from the Lord (1-6)

The world offers no guarantees of a secure future. In Davids time, people tried to find security by offering to and worshiping idols. In our time, people buy insurance or put their trust in political institutions, their jobs, or their family for security. David found true security in God. He asked God to keep him safe. He took refuge in God. God had blessed David with many things. Most of all, God himself had become Davids portion and he thanked God. David knew that his future was in Gods hands.


2. I will not be shaken (7-11)

Fear makes us unstable. However, when we turn to the Lord, he gives us wisdom. When we deliberately set the Lord, and not other things, before us, we will not be shaken. We can live each day with true joy, security, and contentment. Death is not the end; our final destination is the kingdom of God. David knew this and could walk on the path of life, overcoming fear and death.


Prayer Lord, you are my true security and joy. Help me to overcome the world by putting you first. Thank you for giving me eternal life.

One Word Set the Lord before me

Saturday, March 19, 2022

1 Corinthians 7:1-24


Keywords 7:17

Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.


1. Concerning Marriage (1-16)

God instituted marriage at the time of Adam and Eve. He made marriage a holy and sacred thing. It is not to be entered into lightly. So Paul counseled those who were not married to remain so and honor God from where they were at. In the same way, those who are married must honor God in their marriage. They must not divorce. God hates divorce (Mal 2:16). Wherever we are in this life, whether married or unmarried, we should honor God and seek him above all else.


2. Live as a believer (17-24)

Pauls encouragement to seek and honor God whether one is married or single applies to whatever situation Gods people are in. Circumcised or not, slave or free, we were bought at a price through Christs death on the cross. We belong to the Lord. We are prey to the saying the grass is always greener on the other side. We always want what we do not have. But when we seek him above all things, we are content with our lot in life.


Prayer Father, you bought me through Christs death. Help me seek you no matter what.

One Word Live in Gods calling

Friday, March 18, 2022

1 Corinthians 6:12-20


Keywords 6:19b,20

You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.


1. The body for the Lord; the Lord for the body (12-17)

The Corinthians believed they had the freedom to do anything they pleased because of the gospel. They were right that the gospel sets us free. That does not mean we can behave any way we want. Our bodies are not made for our pleasure. Our bodies are made to worship and serve the Lord. Our bodies are for the Lord and the Lord for our bodies, Paul said. The Lord raised Jesus Christ from the dead in order to give new life to our bodies. We were separated from the Lord because of our sins. But because Christ died, we are now united with him. We should use our freedom to be united with Christ.


2. You were bought at a price (18-20)

Sexual immorality was a major problem in the city of Corinth. As those united with Christ, Paul urged them to flee from sexual immorality. How can bodies that have been united with Christ engage in this kind of practice? We do not belong to ourselves! Our bodies have been bought by the Lord through the sacrifice of His Son. We belong to Him! Let us use our bodies to honor God.

Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus, who you sent to die for our sins. Help me to honor you with my body.

One Word Honor God with our bodies


THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...