Friday, March 18, 2022

1 Corinthians 6:12-20


Keywords 6:19b,20

You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.


1. The body for the Lord; the Lord for the body (12-17)

The Corinthians believed they had the freedom to do anything they pleased because of the gospel. They were right that the gospel sets us free. That does not mean we can behave any way we want. Our bodies are not made for our pleasure. Our bodies are made to worship and serve the Lord. Our bodies are for the Lord and the Lord for our bodies, Paul said. The Lord raised Jesus Christ from the dead in order to give new life to our bodies. We were separated from the Lord because of our sins. But because Christ died, we are now united with him. We should use our freedom to be united with Christ.


2. You were bought at a price (18-20)

Sexual immorality was a major problem in the city of Corinth. As those united with Christ, Paul urged them to flee from sexual immorality. How can bodies that have been united with Christ engage in this kind of practice? We do not belong to ourselves! Our bodies have been bought by the Lord through the sacrifice of His Son. We belong to Him! Let us use our bodies to honor God.

Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus, who you sent to die for our sins. Help me to honor you with my body.

One Word Honor God with our bodies


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