Sunday, January 31, 2021

Romans 13:8-14


Keywords 13:14

Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.


1. Pay the debt of love (8-10)

We are debtors to God, for he loved us with costly love. He wants us to pay that

debt by loving our fellow man. Only love fulfills his law. Real love builds up the

loved one; it does not tear him down. Using another to gratify ones own desires

is not love. We must seek Gods best and highest will for those we love.


2. Put aside the deeds of darkness (11-14)

We dont know when our Lord will come again. Paul says that the night is nearly

over and the day is almost here. It is time to put aside the deeds of darkness

and put on the armor of light. It is an urgent matter. Many people hold on to dark

secrets in their daily lives. Everything will be exposed soon. We can only defeat

the darkness when we invite Jesus into our lives to rule our hearts and thoughts

and actions every day and every night.


Prayer Lord, clothe me with Jesus and with the armor of light. Expose all the

dark places in my heart and in my thought world, and let Jesus rule.

One Word Put on Jesus

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Romans 13:1-7


Keywords 13:1

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.


1. God established governing authorities (1-5)

Paul was writing to a church whose very existence was a violation of Roman law.

He knew that Gods laws must have priority. But he did not use this as an excuse

for disobeying the law. God ordained governments to hold mans sinful nature

in check--so we should obey the law--not only because we fear punishment,

but also in submission to God. The spirit of rebellion is never pleasing to God; it

comes from the sinful nature.


2. Give everyone what you owe him (6-7)

Some people have the false idea that respecting a leader or a parent or a

teacher is a violation of the principle of equality. So they do not respect anyone or

anything. This is a grave mistake. If we do not respect others, we cannot respect

ourselves. We should pay our debts, including taxes. Jesus said,Give to Caesar

what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods (Mt 22:21).


Prayer Lord, forgive my rebellious spirit. Give me the mind of Christ who even

respected little children. Help me to live in obedience.

One Word Pay debts and respect others

Friday, January 29, 2021

Romans 12:9-21


Keywords 12:9

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.


1. Never lack zeal (9-13)

Genuine love is not based on human feelings; it must be rooted in Jesus'

redeeming love for us. Sometimes we are robbed of joy by the response of others,

by opposition or by hard experiences in this world. But when our love comes from

Jesus' love, we can hate evil and be committed in love to our brothers and sisters;

we can have true joy. When we have Jesus in our hearts and pray faithfully our

zeal does not grow stale.


2. Love in a hostile world (14-21)

Jesus loved his enemies and prayed for them. He never harbored vengeance

in his heart--even toward those who mocked and tortured him. So, as Jesus'

people, we must bless those who persecute us. And we must forgive. The way to

learn Jesus' mind is to repent of our pride day by day and moment by moment.

Revenge and envy come from a proud heart. We must learn from Jesus (1Pe 2:21),

and we must have Jesus in our hearts.


Prayer Lord, forgive my lack of prayer and my pride. Give me the heart of Jesus.

Help me to be loving even in a hostile world.

One Word Let love be sincere



Thursday, January 28, 2021

Romans 12:1-8


Keywords 12:1

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifi ces, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.


1. In view of Gods mercy, offer your bodies (1-2)

When we were separated from God by our sins and destined for hell, he had

mercy on us and bought us with Jesus' blood. Because of his great mercy, we

must offer ourselves to him to live for his glory. This is the spiritual act of worship

which God wants. Gods people are called to live in the world, but not conform to

the patterns of the world. Our minds are renewed when we study Gods word and

seek to obey it.


2. Don't think of yourself too highly (3-8)

Each believer is a member of the Body of Christ. If we belong to Jesus, we are

members of his Body in unity with each other. In his grace God apportioned gifts

to his people. They are to be used to glorify God and to build up others. In some

cases, the nature of the gift suggests how it should be used to serve the Body:

Leaders should be diligent; giving should be generous; mercy should be shown



Prayer Lord, help me to see myself and others in view of your grace and mercy.

One Word Serve the Body with your gift


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Romans 11:25-36


 Keywords 11:32

For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.


1. Gods gifts and call are irrevocable (25-29)

God keeps his promises by any means. He promised to send the Deliverer, and

he sent Jesus the Deliverer from Zion to take away the sins of the world. God

used Israels disobedience to open a door of salvation to the Gentiles. But what

about the Jews who rejected Gods Messiah? Are they without hope? No. God

continues to love them and to call them to repent and receive the Savior Jesus.

God doesn't give up on anyone--but he doesn't compromise. The only way of

salvation is through Jesus.


2. To God be the glory (30-36)

Gods mercy is sovereign and universal. God bound all men over to

disobedience. Why? He did this so that all men might repent and receive his

mercy through the blood of Jesus. How precious is the mercy of God. Through his

mercy on the disobedient God revealed himself in his eternal glory.


Prayer Lord, I praise you for your sovereign mercy revealed in the gospel. Help

me to learn the treasure I have been give.

One Word Gods glorious mercy


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Romans 11:13-24


Keywords 11:20

Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid.


1. Life from the dead (13-16)

Paul, a Jew, was an apostle to the Gentiles, but he loved his own people. He

prayed that his Gentile ministry might make the Jews jealous enough to repent

and return to God. It would be like a dead man coming to life. The root of Israel

is the Messiah (Isa 11:1). The olive tree is the people of God. If branches are

connected to God and his Christ, they are alive. If they are cut off, they are dead.

Paul prayed for Israel to recover her life and mission.


2. Grafted branches (17-24)

Paul is writing to Gentile believers. He wants them to have a sense of history.

They should not be arrogant; they should fear God. Israel was cut off because of

pride and unbelief. Gentiles are included by Gods grace because of their faith

alone. They derive their nourishment from being attached to the root, by being a

part of Gods people and his history. If Israel repents and believes, she can again

be grafted into Gods history.


Prayer Lord, by grace you grafted me into Jesus and into your redemptive history.

Help me to stand.

One Word Stand by faith, connected to the root

Monday, January 25, 2021

Romans 11:1-12


Keywords 11:5

So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.


1. Paul the remnant (1-6)

Israel rejected the Christ, but God did not reject the people of Israel. As an

Israelite, Paul accepted Jesus and he served Gods mission on behalf of all Israel.

God has always worked through a remnant of faithful people--not through the

unbelieving majority. In his time Elijah felt like the only person worshiping God,

while everyone else worshiped Baal. God told him that he was not alone. Gods

remnant was there. When Paul seemed alone he was reminded of the grace of

God, which has never failed to sustain a remnant of believers.


2. Those who were hardened (7-12)

God hardened the people of Israel. He gave them a spirit of stupor and

blindness. But even though they rejected Gods Messiah, he did not reject them

forever in return. God used Israels transgression to bring salvation to the Gentiles.

God hoped to make Israel jealous enough to repent and return. If the world was

blessed by Israels failure, how much more will it be blessed when they come to



Prayer Lord, help me to be mindful of your grace and live in hope.

One Word Live as a remnant


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Romans 10:14-21


Keywords 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.


1. Beautiful feet (14-17)

When people hear the word of God, faith is born in their hearts. So Jesus sent

his disciples out to tell the good news of Gods love and salvation; he still sends

those whom he has saved to share the word of God. God chose to work through

his word, proclaimed by weak human beings. Indeed, those who obey and go

have beautiful feet. People cannot call on God if they do not believe in him. People

cannot believe in him unless they have heard about him. They cannot hear unless

someone tells them. So God sends us.


2. All day long I have held out my hands (18-21)

Faith comes through hearing, but didnt the Israelites hear - Yes, they did. But not

everyone who hears believes. When Gods chosen people Israel rejected his love,

he reached out to the Gentiles, hoping that this would make Israel jealous enough

to repent and come back to him. This is the beautiful picture of our God who, like

the Father of the prodigal son, waits with outstretched arms.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your life giving word. Help me to share it and be a life


One Word Faith comes by hearing the word


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Romans 10:1-13


Keywords 10:9

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


1. The righteousness that comes from God (10:1-4)

Jesus is the righteousness that comes from God. We cannot save ourselves by

our own zeal or righteousness. God does not look at our zeal, he looks at Jesus.

Self righteousness is the enemy of the gospel. We must come to Jesus and

submit to Gods righteousness.


2. The righteousness that is by law (5-13)

The law of Moses was impossible for people with a sinful nature to obey. Moses

taught the people that they did not have to climb the highest mountain or go to

the depths of the sea to find God. We find God in his word. God gave us the word

of the gospel--the good news of Gods forgiveness through Jesus. The word is

very near; it is in your mouth and in your heart. If we confess with our mouths

that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we

will be saved. God saves all who trust him and call on his name (13; Ge 4:26).


Prayer Lord, you are my righteousness. Use me to share your word of life with

someone today.

One Word Confess and believe


Friday, January 22, 2021

Romans 9:19-33


Keywords 9:33

As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."


1. God calls all believers "my people" (19-29)

God is the Creator who made each person for his purpose. He bore the rejection

of men with great patience in order to reveal the riches of his glory, not just to

Jews, but also to Gentiles. The Gentile world was under Gods wrath and destined

for destruction because of their rejection. But when some responded in faith they

too became his people, and the objects of Gods mercy. This fulfilled the will of

God expressed in prophecy. Being one of Gods people is not a matter of lineage.

When Gentiles believed God, they were called Gods people. Only a remnant of

the Israelites would be saved, and that by Gods mercy.


2. The stumbling stone (30-33)

Righteousness is from God. The Gentiles received it by faith in Gods mercy. The

Jews pursued it as if they could attain it by their own works, but they stumbled.

Jesus is the stone God laid in Zion. All who trust in him will never be put to shame.


Prayer Sovereign Lord, thank you for displaying the riches of your mercy in the

gospel. Help me to trust only in Jesus.

One Word A stone in Zion


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Romans 9:1-18


Keywords 9:16

It does not, therefore, depend on mans desire or effort, but on Gods mercy.


1. Pauls anguish (1-5)

Paul was a Jew. His heart was broken because his own people rejected the

Christ. He would have exchanged his own salvation for theirs, had it been

possible. Israel enjoyed the privileges of being Gods sons, having his covenant

and being eyewitnesses of his glory. God dwelt with them and provided the way of

forgiveness and worship. Their greatest glory was the Christ, who is God over all.

But they rejected Christ and lost their privilege. Heritage is valuable, but the point

is knowing and serving Jesus, who is God over all.


2. Gods unfailing mercy (6-18)

Israel failed, but God did not fail. God fulfilled his promise to Abraham that all

nations would be blessed through his offspring. In his sovereign mercy God chose

Jacob rather than Esau. When Pharaoh opposed God, God used him anyway to

proclaim his name in all the earth. No one can belong to God by their own desire

or effort, only by Gods sovereign mercy.


Prayer Lord, I believe your promises; teach me to depend on your unfailing


One Word Depend on Gods mercy


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Genesis 28:1-22


Keywords 28:15

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."


1. Gods vision to Jacob (1-17)

Isaac gave Jacob the direction to go to Haran and marry one of Labans

daughters. Isaac also blessed Jacob with the covenant promise given to Abraham

and Isaac. During Jacobs first night alone, the Lord appeared to Jacob in an

awesome vision with angels descending and ascending on a stairway to heaven.

Then God extended his promise to give Jacob the land, to give him countless

descendants, and to bless all people on earth through him. Practically, God

guaranteed to protect Jacob and bring him home safely. God knew Jacobs

selfishness, yet the Lord embraced him, shepherded him, and protected him when

he was most vulnerable.


2. Jacobs vow (18-22)

In the morning, Jacob erected a pillar and made a vow that if God provided

for him, protected him and brought him back, God would be his God. He would

worship God and offer him a tithe. This selfish vow began Jacobs walk with God,

and God would use it as his hook to capture Jacobs heart.


Prayer Lord, you are much greater than my selfish desires. Help me to set my life

direction in you.

One Word God will not leave you until he has done everything he has promised


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Genesis 27:30-46


Keywords 27:33

Isaac trembled violently and said, "Who was it, then, that hunted game and brought it to me? I ate it just before you came and I blessed him--and indeed he will be blessed!"


1. Indeed he will be blessed (30-40)

When Esau arrived, Isaac trembled violently because he had already given away

the blessing. He confessed that whoever was blessed by him would be blessed.

Isaac realized that Jacob had deceived him in order to possess the blessing. Esau

played the victim and begged for a blessing. But Isaac fully blessed Jacob to rule

over him. Esau wept for any blessing, so Isaac blessed him in an unlikely way - to

dwell in a barren place, to live by the sword, and to throw off his brothers yoke.


2. Rebekah sends Jacob away from Esau (41-46)

Esau developed a murderous grudge towards Jacob. When Rebekah learned of

it, she counseled Jacob to live with her brother Laban until Esaus fury subsided.

To persuade Isaac to send Jacob away, she protested that there was no suitable

wife for Jacob among the Hittites. Her wisdom prevented violence and set a

spiritual direction.


Prayer Lord, help me to have spiritual eyes to obtain your blessing.

One Word Value Gods blessing


A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES    Proverbs 17:1-28 / Keywords 17:17 7 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. 17:1 Be...