Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Romans 11:13-24


Keywords 11:20

Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid.


1. Life from the dead (13-16)

Paul, a Jew, was an apostle to the Gentiles, but he loved his own people. He

prayed that his Gentile ministry might make the Jews jealous enough to repent

and return to God. It would be like a dead man coming to life. The root of Israel

is the Messiah (Isa 11:1). The olive tree is the people of God. If branches are

connected to God and his Christ, they are alive. If they are cut off, they are dead.

Paul prayed for Israel to recover her life and mission.


2. Grafted branches (17-24)

Paul is writing to Gentile believers. He wants them to have a sense of history.

They should not be arrogant; they should fear God. Israel was cut off because of

pride and unbelief. Gentiles are included by Gods grace because of their faith

alone. They derive their nourishment from being attached to the root, by being a

part of Gods people and his history. If Israel repents and believes, she can again

be grafted into Gods history.


Prayer Lord, by grace you grafted me into Jesus and into your redemptive history.

Help me to stand.

One Word Stand by faith, connected to the root

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