Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Genesis 27:30-46


Keywords 27:33

Isaac trembled violently and said, "Who was it, then, that hunted game and brought it to me? I ate it just before you came and I blessed him--and indeed he will be blessed!"


1. Indeed he will be blessed (30-40)

When Esau arrived, Isaac trembled violently because he had already given away

the blessing. He confessed that whoever was blessed by him would be blessed.

Isaac realized that Jacob had deceived him in order to possess the blessing. Esau

played the victim and begged for a blessing. But Isaac fully blessed Jacob to rule

over him. Esau wept for any blessing, so Isaac blessed him in an unlikely way - to

dwell in a barren place, to live by the sword, and to throw off his brothers yoke.


2. Rebekah sends Jacob away from Esau (41-46)

Esau developed a murderous grudge towards Jacob. When Rebekah learned of

it, she counseled Jacob to live with her brother Laban until Esaus fury subsided.

To persuade Isaac to send Jacob away, she protested that there was no suitable

wife for Jacob among the Hittites. Her wisdom prevented violence and set a

spiritual direction.


Prayer Lord, help me to have spiritual eyes to obtain your blessing.

One Word Value Gods blessing


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