Friday, January 29, 2021

Romans 12:9-21


Keywords 12:9

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.


1. Never lack zeal (9-13)

Genuine love is not based on human feelings; it must be rooted in Jesus'

redeeming love for us. Sometimes we are robbed of joy by the response of others,

by opposition or by hard experiences in this world. But when our love comes from

Jesus' love, we can hate evil and be committed in love to our brothers and sisters;

we can have true joy. When we have Jesus in our hearts and pray faithfully our

zeal does not grow stale.


2. Love in a hostile world (14-21)

Jesus loved his enemies and prayed for them. He never harbored vengeance

in his heart--even toward those who mocked and tortured him. So, as Jesus'

people, we must bless those who persecute us. And we must forgive. The way to

learn Jesus' mind is to repent of our pride day by day and moment by moment.

Revenge and envy come from a proud heart. We must learn from Jesus (1Pe 2:21),

and we must have Jesus in our hearts.


Prayer Lord, forgive my lack of prayer and my pride. Give me the heart of Jesus.

Help me to be loving even in a hostile world.

One Word Let love be sincere



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