Keywords 13:1
Everyone must submit himself to
the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has
established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
1. God established
governing authorities (1-5)
Paul was writing to a
church whose very existence was a violation of Roman law.
He knew that God’s laws must have
priority. But he did not use this as an excuse
for disobeying the
law. God ordained governments to hold man’s sinful nature
in check--so we
should obey the law--not only because we fear punishment,
but also in
submission to God. The spirit of rebellion is never pleasing to God; it
comes from the sinful
2. Give everyone what
you owe him (6-7)
Some people have the
false idea that respecting a leader or a parent or a
teacher is a
violation of the principle of equality. So they do not respect anyone or
anything. This is a
grave mistake. If we do not respect others, we cannot respect
ourselves. We should
pay our debts, including taxes. Jesus said,“Give to Caesar
what is Caesar’s, and to God what is
(Mt 22:21).
Prayer Lord, forgive my
rebellious spirit. Give me the mind of Christ who even
respected little
children. Help me to live in obedience.
One Word Pay debts and respect
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