Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Psalms 65:1-13


Keywords 65:4

Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple.


1. When we have a heart to praise God, there are so many great things that we can meditate on. Most of all, he forgave our sins when we were overwhelmed by them. He chose us in Jesus and brought us near him to live forever with him. He answers our prayers. We are already filled with good gifts from the Holy Spirit. Experiencing this, we can realize that God is the hope of all the earth (5).


2. We can also admire Gods greatness in the wonders of the natural world: the mountains and seas, the sunrise and sunset. Sometimes we are distressed by the turmoil among nations caused by sinful human beings (7). But this is all in Gods hands just like the waves of the sea are. Gods abundant goodness is also shown in how he makes the earth bear fruit (9-13). Seeing Gods majestic creation can bring us out of our self-centeredness and help us praise him with a fresh spirit.


Prayer Father, thank you for the riches of your abundance to me in Jesus, and in the whole world you created. I will remember to praise you today.

One Word Praise God for his fullness!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Psalm 64:1-10


Keywords 64:2

Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from that noisy crowd of evildoers.


1. When there are people who try to bring us down unjustly, or accuse us behind our backs, we long for an impartial judge to whom we can present our case. This psalm shows us that we have such an advocate in God. When King David heard about people who were conspiring against him and laying traps for him, he laid out his complaint clearly before God. David knew how clever people are when they set their hearts on doing evil, and he asked God to hide him from their plots. God gave David inspired language to expose the evil in the human heart.


2. If we pray specifically about our troubles or even just our worries about the future, laying everything before God, we can receive Gods comfort. God is pleased when we bring our agonies before him. In this way we can also resist the temptation to fight evil with evil, keeping our heart upright. Then we can have great confidence in God. We can be sure that eventually Gods justice will be revealed and all people will see it and praise him


Prayer Father, thank you for inviting us to come to you when we are unfairly treated. Give me a pure heart and confidence that I will see your justice.

One Word Lord, protect me from evil

Monday, August 29, 2022

Psalm 63:1-11


Keywords 63:1

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.


1. When David was in the desert experiencing physical thirst, it reminded him of his even deeper spiritual thirst for Gods presence, and he cried out for his personal God. This world polluted by sin can feel like a desert where we grow tired and weary and cannot find true satisfaction. We should remember that our life is meant to be a pilgrimage to Gods presence. When we catch even a glimpse of his power and glory, we realize we want nothing else. To praise him becomes our joy (2-4). Only God in his truth and love can satisfy us fully (5).


2. At the end of a busy day, we can reconnect to God by meditating on his goodness (6). It is like stepping out of the world for a moment, and we regain our perspective. We can cling closely to God through faith and prayer and finding his strength is always sufficient to uphold us (8). When David relied on God to be his help, he could confidently rejoice even though he had many enemies.


Prayer Father, thank you for planting a thirst for your presence in our hearts. I will seek you earnestly and be fully satisfied with your goodness.

One Word My soul thirsts for God

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Psalm 62:1-12


Keywords 62:2

He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.


1. This psalm was written at a time when David felt persecuted by deceitful people who spoke flattering words but secretly planned to knock him off the throne (4). David acknowledged his human weakness, calling himself a leading wall and tottering fence (3). Humanly, it was difficult for David to find any peace or rest in his position as a king.


2. Nevertheless, he confidently asserts that he is able to find rest for his soul in God as well as hope and salvation (1, 5). With God as his source of strength, his fortress, he will never be shaken. With this faith, David commands us to trust God at all times and warns us not to put confidence in our own schemes or earthly wealth. His ultimate trust is in the character of God who is powerful, loving, and just in rewarding people for what they have done (11, 12). Verses 1-2 and 5-6 are a chorus of confidence in God that we can repeat for ourselves. Lets become strong in our inner selves in God our fortress!


Prayer Father, thank you for the strength, hope, salvation, and rest we can find in you. Help me not to envy people who are humanly privileged or have great riches, for those things are temporary.

One Word Find rest in God alone

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Psalm 61:1-8


Keywords 61:2

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.


1. We dont know the exact situation in which David composed this prayer, but it is clear that he was far away from help, and his suffering was so severe that he felt his very life was fading away (2a). In such a time, his prayer expresses the purest spiritual desire (2b). He yearns to live in Gods presence, under Gods protection (4). He wants to live on a level above earthly things.


2. David remembers how God has helped him up until now as his refuge and strong tower (3). David has hope because of his good spiritual heritage, believing that the faith that was handed down to him will sustain him (5). Then he prays with renewed confidence for God to restore his life (6-7). When we feel weak or crushed under burdens, it is good for us to re-examine our heart and pray to live on a higher plane spiritually. Jesus is the rock on which we can live and always have the high ground.


Prayer Father, thank you for being my strong tower and refuge until now. Keep leading me to Jesus, the rock.

One Word Lead me to the rock

Friday, August 26, 2022

Psalm 60:1-12


Keywords 60:1

You have rejected us, O God, and burst forth upon us; you have been angry-now restore us!


1. This Psalm is Davids desperate prayer after God has seemingly rejected his people, bringing a military defeat and hardships on them. They were in desperate times, with everything in a state of confusion. David plainly confesses the pain of their situation. The content of his request is simple: Restore us! It is right for us to pray for Gods restoration of our lives and our land when we are afflicted.


2. Then David remembers that the fear of God brings a powerful defense (4). He remembers Gods promise that all the tribes of Israel are his possession (6-7). God never actually rejected his people, and he would give them their inheritance in the end. Like David, we can remember that God is the owner of everything and that he will finally win the victory over all forces of darkness. In the last verses, David prays with more confidence, preparing to march out again bravely, and asks God to lead the armies of Israel (9-12). Our desperate prayer can also end with confidence of victory and a new decision to engage in spiritual battle.


Prayer Father, we are your people and your possession. Even though we face hardships and loss, we believe you lead us to victory. Restore us again!

One Word Lord, lead your people to victory

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Psalm 59:1-17


Keywords 59:10

my loving God. God will go before me and will let me gloat over those who slander me.


1. Saul sent men to watch Davids house and kill him. These men were wicked, for they were attempting to assassinate Gods anointed king. Throughout this trial, David depended on God and honored him. He refused to take matters into his own hands. Instead, he recognized God as his deliverer and fortress. Being innocent, he knew that God would hear his appeal because our God is a righteous God. He also knew that God was fully aware of his situation and even heard the boasts of his enemies. They were like snarling dogs in the night, but God laughed at them. They were nothing to him. David says, You are my strength, I watch for you…” This is the way we are to face all our trials. Trust in God and watch for him. His steadfast love will never fail.


2. God would go before David and give him the victory. He would be Davids shield and protect him from all harm. By letting the words and pride of Saul and his men be their downfall, it would teach Israel a valuable lesson. Their fate would make it clear that God is the one who rules over Jacob. Although the dogs were still snarling and prowling at night, David would sing the Lords praise in the morning. He knew that he could rely on God. There is no doubt that we will experience many trials in our lives. During each of them, remember that the Lord is our strength.


Prayer Father, our trust is in you alone.

One Word God will deliver you

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Psalms 58:1-11 / Keywords 58:11

Then men will say, "Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth."


1. The language of this psalm could seem a little severe to us. However, to those suffering oppression and persecution by their government, it may not read as severe. Rulers should speak justly and judge with equity, but the rulers in this psalm did not. They invented new forms of injustice and were guilty of bloodshed and violence. This horrific corruption occurs in many parts of the world today. The depravity of these leaders was staggering. They were liars from birth, and their venom was like the venom of a snake. They acted like poisonous cobras who could not be charmed or controlled. For someone under their rule, life could seem quite hopeless.


2. David knew, however, that God is the sovereign judge of the earth. He has the power to deliver his people. David prayed that God would break and tear out the teeth and fangs of those wicked lions. God could make unjust rulers vanish like water and their weapons of war useless. His action would be swift and his victory overwhelming. Then, the people of the world would know that righteousness is still rewarded and that God is the judge over all the earth. Gods righteous anger over the sin of the world is a very serious matter. Those who confess their sin and turn to Jesus can find forgiveness and freedom from condemnation.


Prayer Father, deliver the oppressed from injustice.

One Word The righteousness of God will prevail

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Psalms 57:1-11


Keywords 57:1

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.


1. What is that sound? Is that David singing? Is that his voice echoing in the cave? It was amazing that David could sing amid his trails. Saul and his army were hunting David down to kill himhence the hiding in the cave. The pressure was intense. David says, I am in the midst of lions; I am forced to dwell among ravenous beasts…” David, however, knew where to turn for help. He cried, Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. David resolved to take shelter in the LORD until the trouble passed. That same refuge is available to us as well. David had experienced Gods saving power many times before and had learned he could trust Gods faithfulness and love. He was confident that God would be exalted and his glory would shine over all the earth.


2. David shows us how faith can overcome fear. He was so convinced of Gods salvation that he could praise God even amid the storm. David reached for his harp and his lyre and praised the Lord with such enthusiasm as to wake the dawn. Is it possible for us to do the same? Knowing the wonderful grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus, can we praise his name during lifes difficulties? Imagine the witness that would be to the people around us. Our God saves!


Prayer Father, you are our refuge and shelter.

One Word Take refuge in the shadow of his wings

Monday, August 22, 2022

1 Corinthians 16:13-24


Keywords 16:14

Do everything in love.


1. Pauls last exhortation for the Corinthian Christians is: Be on your guard in the midst of deception of the devil; stand firm in the faith against all relativistic ideas and temptations; be courageous and strong in the grace of Jesus to persevere hardships and do Gods work. Most of all, Paul encouraged them to do everything in love. The problem of division or broken relationships in the church can be solved when we bear each others weaknesses and do everything in love. When the love of Christ becomes our motive and life source, we can do it all in love.


2. Paul recognized and honored some of the leaders in Corinth. He reminded the congregation of the leaders labor of love behind the scenes and urged the believers to recognize their service for the Lord and submit to such leaders. Paul delivered greetings from the churches in Asia including Aquila and Priscilla, who helped Paul pioneer the church in Corinth and now was serving house church ministry in Ephesus. Paul ends his letter by mentioning the grace of Jesus which covers all our sins and his love that unifies his people. When we abide in the grace of Jesus and love one another, God blesses us and our community. Paul longed for the coming of the Lord. This is our longing too.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your grace and love for me. Help me to stand firm in the faith and do all things in love.

One Word Come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

1 Corinthians 16:1-12


Keywords 16:1

Now about the collection for God's people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do.


1. Christians in Corinth promised to participate in the offering for the poor Christians in Jerusalem. Now Paul asks them to prepare their gift in advance according to his instruction (2) so that they would not do it hurriedly when he showed up. To Paul, this offering was more than just material help; it was the evidence of Gods work through Pauls ministry among the Gentiles. It was a show of the Gentile Christians practical appreciation of their indebtedness to the spiritual blessing of the Jewish Christians. Paul wanted to connect them to the Jewish Christians so that Jews and Gentiles would have unity in Christ. Christians offering must be done willingly and joyfully as the expression of their appreciation of and gratitude toward Gods grace. Giving to the needy is a part of worship and it enhances spiritual unity in the body of Christ.


2. Paul shared his travel plans and his present situation in Ephesus with the Corinthian Christians. He was expecting their prayer support for effective gospel work in the midst of many opponents. He asked them to accept Timothy as Gods servant with respect. He expressed his support for Apollos ministry so that they might welcome him on his visit. Paul humbly shared his prayer topics and asked for their prayer.


Prayer Lord, thank you for blessing me to take part in world missions through prayer and offering. Help me to give sacrificially and pray earnestly.

One Word A sacrificial giving with prayer support

Saturday, August 20, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:50-58


Keywords 15:57

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


1. Paul tells us a mystery. We will not all sleep but we will all be changed when Christ comes again. His coming will be sudden and with a loud trumpet sound the dead will be raised imperishable, and those alive will be changed. Our mortal and perishable body will be transformed into an imperishable and immortal body. At our resurrection, death will lose its power. We will shout, Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Indeed, it will be the most joyful and glorious day of our complete salvation. We will reign with Christ forever in heaven where there is no more death, mourning or pain. What a glorious hope and promise for those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!


2. Solomon asked, What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Without the hope of the resurrection, all our labors seem in vain. However, in the risen Christ our labor is not in vain though we may suffer to follow him and serve his will for us. We have victory over sin and death and have the hope of resurrection. Therefore, we need to stand firm and give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord joyfully and willingly.


Prayer Lord, thank you for the victory over sin and death in Christ Jesus. Help me to stand firm and give myself fully to your life-saving work.

One Word Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

Friday, August 19, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:35-49


Keywords 15:49

And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.


1. Paul explains the principle of resurrection by the analogy of the seed. When we garden, we dont plant vegetables or flowers, but their seeds. When the seed dies in the ground, it rises to a new and more beautiful life. So our physical body is the seed of our spiritual body. Our old body is like a perishable seed, full of weakness and sin, but God will give each person a new resurrection body which is imperishable, glorious, and powerful. When we apply the resurrection principle to our life, we can bear fruit for God.


2. Our natural body is from Adam; we bear his nature and image. As Adam was dust, so are we. As he sinned and died, so do we. However, Jesus came to this world as the last Adam; a life giving spirit, and recovered first Adams failure through his perfect life of obedience and his atoning death on the cross for our sins. Through his resurrection, Jesus became the giver of eternal life to those who belong to him. On the resurrection day when what is mortal is swallowed up by life, he will give us a glorious resurrection body like his. We will be transformed into a glorious image of the risen Christ. There will be no more sin and death, but we will be as glorious, humble, and loving as Jesus Christ our Lord. This is our ultimate hope in Christ.


Prayer Lord, thank you for the glorious hope of resurrection of our perishable body. Help me to live by the principle of resurrection with this hope.

One Word We will be like the glorious risen Christ

Thursday, August 18, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:20-34


Keywords 15:28

When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.


1. The risen Christ became the firstfruits from the dead (20) and his resurrection guarantees the bodily resurrection of those who are in him. When Adam disobeyed God, sin and death began to reign over all mankind and no one could escape this fate. But in Christ, our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life and the promise of resurrection (22).


2. Our resurrection will occur at the second coming of Christ (23). When Christ comes again, he will destroy all dominion, authority, and power on earth and put all his enemies under his feet (27). The last enemy, death, will no longer rule us or make us fearful, for death will be destroyed by resurrection. When Christ puts all things under his feet, creation order will be restored and God will be all in all (28). All of creation longs for this day and it will be the climax of Gods redemptive history and the day of our glorious bodily resurrection.


3. If the dead are not raised, the only realistic approach to life seems to be, Lets eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. But because of the hope of resurrection in Christ, we can die every day, take up our cross for the gospel, and follow Christ like Apostle Paul.


Prayer Lord, thank you for life and hope in the risen Christ. Help me die every day and follow Christ with the hope of glorious resurrection and experience the power of resurrection every day.

One Word I face death every day

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:12-19


Keywords 15:17

And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

1. Resurrection is victory over death. If there is no resurrection of the dead, then there is no hope for mankind beyond the grave. Then the world will be full of the dead and the dying. Such a world view causes us to be negative, fatalistic, and hedonistic towards life. However, Christs resurrection is a historical fact and the basis of the resurrection of the dead.


2. If Christ has not been raised, what would be the logical consequences? Faith in the gospel would be meaningless as there would be no gospel to preach (14). The apostles would be liars in testifying that God raised Christ from the dead (15). If Christ has not been raised, our faith is in vain. Most importantly, there will be no forgiveness and no way out of guilt and hell for believers. Those who sacrificed much for the gospel and gave their lives for Christ in the hope of resurrection are most pitiful people. However, Christ did rise from the dead, broke the power of sin and death, and gave us a living hope of heaven to those who believe. In the risen Christ we are not losers, but true victors. Because he lives, we also will live (Jn 14:19). The most pitiful people are those who live without the hope of resurrection.


Prayer Lord, thank for the risen Christ, who gives me assurance of forgiveness and a living hope in heaven. Hel

One Word Christ has indeed been raised

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:1-11


Keywords 15:3-4

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,


1. The gospel is about the person and work of Jesus Christ, especially his death and resurrection. It is rooted in an historical event and Gods promises in the Scriptures. Jesus death for our sins and his bodily resurrection for our justification is the only real solution to our fundamental problems of sin and death, and judgment. The gospel offers salvation from Gods wrath and a living hope of his kingdom. We are saved not by our merits, but by Gods grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul preached this gospel to the Christians in Corinth as of first importance. He reminds them of it again. Likewise, we need to be constantly reminded of this gospel. We need to hold firmly to it at all times for the gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.


2. In order to prove Jesus bodily resurrection, Paul introduces eyewitnesses, some of whom were still living at the time he was writing. Paul himself was one of them. His life was radically changed after meeting the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. If we believe in Christ crucified and then raised to life, we also experience Gods grace of forgiveness and his transforming power in our lives. We can live as witnesses of the Risen Christ to others as Apostle Paul did.


Prayer Lord, thank you for the gospel of Jesus death and resurrection. Help me hold onto it and pass it on to others as of first importance.

One Word By this gospel I am saved

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...