Keywords 65:4
Blessed are those you choose and bring
near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house,
of your holy temple.
1. When we have a heart to praise God,
there are so many great things that we can meditate on. Most of all, he forgave
our sins when we were overwhelmed by them. He chose us in Jesus and brought us
near him to live forever with him. He answers our prayers. We are already
filled with good gifts from the Holy Spirit. Experiencing this, we can realize
that God is the hope of all the earth (5).
2. We can also admire God’s greatness in the wonders of the
natural world: the mountains and seas, the sunrise and sunset. Sometimes we are
distressed by the turmoil among nations caused by sinful human beings (7). But
this is all in God’s hands just like the waves of the sea are. God’s abundant goodness is also shown in how
he makes the earth bear fruit (9-13). Seeing God’s majestic creation can bring us out of
our self-centeredness and help us praise him with a fresh spirit.
Prayer Father, thank you for the riches of your abundance to me in Jesus, and
in the whole world you created. I will remember to praise you today.
One Word Praise God for his fullness!