Monday, August 22, 2022

1 Corinthians 16:13-24


Keywords 16:14

Do everything in love.


1. Pauls last exhortation for the Corinthian Christians is: Be on your guard in the midst of deception of the devil; stand firm in the faith against all relativistic ideas and temptations; be courageous and strong in the grace of Jesus to persevere hardships and do Gods work. Most of all, Paul encouraged them to do everything in love. The problem of division or broken relationships in the church can be solved when we bear each others weaknesses and do everything in love. When the love of Christ becomes our motive and life source, we can do it all in love.


2. Paul recognized and honored some of the leaders in Corinth. He reminded the congregation of the leaders labor of love behind the scenes and urged the believers to recognize their service for the Lord and submit to such leaders. Paul delivered greetings from the churches in Asia including Aquila and Priscilla, who helped Paul pioneer the church in Corinth and now was serving house church ministry in Ephesus. Paul ends his letter by mentioning the grace of Jesus which covers all our sins and his love that unifies his people. When we abide in the grace of Jesus and love one another, God blesses us and our community. Paul longed for the coming of the Lord. This is our longing too.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your grace and love for me. Help me to stand firm in the faith and do all things in love.

One Word Come, Lord Jesus!

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