Monday, August 29, 2022

Psalm 63:1-11


Keywords 63:1

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.


1. When David was in the desert experiencing physical thirst, it reminded him of his even deeper spiritual thirst for Gods presence, and he cried out for his personal God. This world polluted by sin can feel like a desert where we grow tired and weary and cannot find true satisfaction. We should remember that our life is meant to be a pilgrimage to Gods presence. When we catch even a glimpse of his power and glory, we realize we want nothing else. To praise him becomes our joy (2-4). Only God in his truth and love can satisfy us fully (5).


2. At the end of a busy day, we can reconnect to God by meditating on his goodness (6). It is like stepping out of the world for a moment, and we regain our perspective. We can cling closely to God through faith and prayer and finding his strength is always sufficient to uphold us (8). When David relied on God to be his help, he could confidently rejoice even though he had many enemies.


Prayer Father, thank you for planting a thirst for your presence in our hearts. I will seek you earnestly and be fully satisfied with your goodness.

One Word My soul thirsts for God

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