Sunday, August 21, 2022

1 Corinthians 16:1-12


Keywords 16:1

Now about the collection for God's people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do.


1. Christians in Corinth promised to participate in the offering for the poor Christians in Jerusalem. Now Paul asks them to prepare their gift in advance according to his instruction (2) so that they would not do it hurriedly when he showed up. To Paul, this offering was more than just material help; it was the evidence of Gods work through Pauls ministry among the Gentiles. It was a show of the Gentile Christians practical appreciation of their indebtedness to the spiritual blessing of the Jewish Christians. Paul wanted to connect them to the Jewish Christians so that Jews and Gentiles would have unity in Christ. Christians offering must be done willingly and joyfully as the expression of their appreciation of and gratitude toward Gods grace. Giving to the needy is a part of worship and it enhances spiritual unity in the body of Christ.


2. Paul shared his travel plans and his present situation in Ephesus with the Corinthian Christians. He was expecting their prayer support for effective gospel work in the midst of many opponents. He asked them to accept Timothy as Gods servant with respect. He expressed his support for Apollos ministry so that they might welcome him on his visit. Paul humbly shared his prayer topics and asked for their prayer.


Prayer Lord, thank you for blessing me to take part in world missions through prayer and offering. Help me to give sacrificially and pray earnestly.

One Word A sacrificial giving with prayer support

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