Keywords 9:6
But so that you may know
that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." Then he
said to the paralytic, "Get up, take your mat and go home."
1. Your sins are forgiven (1-8)
Some men, in a
community of faith, brought their friend to Jesus. Jesus welcomed the man: “Take heart, son;
your sins are forgiven.” This love for one
lost man must have moved the friends, and the paralytic. But religious leaders
considered it blasphemy. Jesus challenged their evil thoughts, and revealed his
authority to forgive sins by healing the paralytic. Jesus has authority on
earth to forgive sins, restoring man’s relationship with
God and opening the way for complete restoration.
2. Follow me (9-13)
To further reveal
his authority and compassion, Jesus saw and called Matthew, a despised tax
collector and public sinner, “Follow me.” Matthew joyfully
gave a dinner in Jesus’ honor, showing his
being healed of sinful selfishness. The Pharisees didn’t realize Matthew’s change, or Jesus’ motive. But Jesus
sees sinners as spiritually sick and paralyzed, and his calling them to follow
is spiritual treatment. Jesus would die on the cross to forgive sins, healing
us and making us new.
Prayer Father, thank you for
Jesus who heals sinners, forgiving sins. Help me to follow him.
One Word Jesus came to call sinners
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