Keywords 9:17
Neither do men pour new wine
into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and
the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and
both are preserved."
1. Being with Jesus is like a wedding (14-15)
John’s disciples were
concerned by the lack of religious discipline of Jesus’ disciples. But
Jesus defended his disciples, explaining that life with Jesus is like being
guests of the bridegroom at a wedding. The joy of the bridegroom is shared by
the guests, and his presence makes them smile. Likewise, with Jesus, we share
his joy, but when Jesus is not with us, we fast and pray, longingly.
2. Jesus’ new wine is for
new wineskins (16-17)
Jesus addresses the
issue of religious dogmatic ritual and disciplines by describing them as old
and new garments and wineskins. The gospel is new wine, and has power to change
from the inside out. Religious dogma or rituals may have benefit, but not if
they restrict the power of the gospel to change the inner man. However, the
gospel of Jesus, the new wine, has power to transform the inner person of
anyone. To experience this changing power, his disciples need to be like new
wineskins, flexible, available and willing to be changed by the gospel.
Prayer Father, thank you for
the dynamic, joyful new life in Jesus. Help me be a new wineskin, shaped and
molded by Jesus’ image.
One Word Be a new wineskin
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