Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Matthew 8:23-34


Keywords 8:26

He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.


1. Jesus calms the storm at sea (23-27)

The disciples were obeying Jesus instructions (18, 23) when a furious squall came up, threatening their lives. They were terrified, sure they were going to drown, and cried out to Jesus, Lord, save us! Jesus was not afraid. He was sleeping peacefully. When they cried to him, he answered, calming their hearts, You of little faith, why are you so afraid? Rebuking the storm, everything became calm. Jesus is Lord over nature and the physical world. When we cry to him, he answers, and wants our faith in his Lordship to grow.


2. Jesus calms the spiritual storm (28-34)

The storm was faith training to face the spiritual storm in the Gentile region of the Gadarenes. The demon-possessed men tormented the entire region, and were beyond control. But Jesus, at one word: Go! drove them out. Jesus calms the spiritual storms also. He teaches us the value of one persons life. Lets engage the spiritual battle for the lives of others, with faith in Jesus power to calm storms and drive out demons.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus power of nature and spiritual forces. Help my faith grow.

One Word Jesus rebukes storms and demons


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