Friday, April 15, 2022

Mark 15:16-32


Keywords 15:24a

And they crucified him.


1. The soldiers mocked Jesus (16-20)

Once Jesus was handed over to the Roman soldiers, he was treated mercilessly. They mocked this humble king to satisfy their sadistic desires. They clothed him in royal purple. They crowned him with a crown of thorns. They called out, Hail, King of the Jews. Then they struck his head again and again with a staff. They spat on him and bowed low before him. Jesus bore the shame and pain silently.


2. Jesus on the cross (21-32)

Jesus was too exhausted to carry his cross to Golgotha. Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry it. His heart was moved, and later his sons became pillars in the early church. The soldiers offered Jesus wine vinegar to ease the pain, but he refused. He would pay the full price for the sin of the world. Then they crucified Jesus, and placed him between two criminals. As he hung there naked, the crowd and religious leaders mocked him, shouting, Save yourself, if you are the Christ. Jesus was crucified to save us from our sins.


Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you that you bore all the shame and pain of the cross to the end, to save us.

One Word He saved us

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