Thursday, July 8, 2021

Luke 20:20-26


Keywords 20:25

"Caesar's," they replied. He said to them, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."


1. Jesus saw through their duplicity (20-23)

 Direct confrontation had failed to subdue Jesus, so the religious leaders sent

spies. Their flattery in verse 21 is true: Jesus teaches what is right and the way of

truth because Jesus is the truth. His teaching was always trustworthy because he

was motivated by love and righteousness. But Jesus was not impressed by their

words. He saw through their duplicity and their crooked motive. Jesus sees our

heart and motive, too.


2. Give to Caesar and to God (24-26)

 Their question regarding taxes was loaded. Nobody likes paying taxes, then or

now, especially taxes that support injustice and idolatry like they did in the Roman

Empire. Using an illustration with a coin, Jesus taught them giving back to Caesar

what is Caesar’s is morally right. Rome’s authority was given by God to manage

the nation in economic and civil matters (Ro 13:1). But as the coin bore Caesar’s

image, all people bear God’s image. Their issue was not a tax problem but a

desire to get, not give, even to God. Our lives belong to God, and Jesus teaches

us to give to God what is God’s.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus, in whom you have redeemed me. Help me

give back to you what is yours: my heart, my possessions—even my life.

One Word Give to God what is God’s

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