Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Luke 20:1-19


Keywords 20:17

Jesus looked directly at them and asked, "Then what is the meaning of that which is written: " 'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone'? "


1. “Who gave you this authority?” (1-8)

 By clearing the temple and restoring it to its proper use, Jesus challenged the

authority of the religious leaders. They asked him, “Who gave you this authority?”

Jesus brought up the issue of John’s baptism, which they rejected. Yet, all the

people clearly knew that John was sent by God. They could not answer out of

fear of people. Jesus’ authority is not from people but from God.


2. “I will send my son, whom I love” (9-19)

 Turning to the people, Jesus gave the parable of the tenants. They claimed

ownership of the vineyard, rejected the landowner, and abused his servants.

Patiently, the owner sent his beloved son, but they murdered him. He had no

recourse but to have them killed and give the vineyard to others. In the same way,

the religious leaders rejected Jesus and would be judged. God made Jesus the

cornerstone: salvation for those who believe but judgment on all who reject him.


Prayer Father, you are so patient and kind. Help me humbly receive Jesus, the

cornerstone of salvation today.

One Word Jesus is the Cornerstone

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