Friday, July 9, 2021

Luke 20:27-44


Keywords 20:38

He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.


1. They are children of the resurrection (27-40)

 Sadducees only followed the fi ve books of Moses and denied the resurrection.

In this way, they justifi ed their hedonistic lifestyle. Using Moses’ teaching and a

morbid, exaggerated story, they “proved” that resurrection as they understood it

was not feasible. Jesus corrected them; the age to come is not like this age. Those

considered worthy of resurrection will not marry but be brothers and sisters—

children of God. They will never die but be like the angels. Even Moses taught this:

God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Present tense. They are alive in

God—God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. To him, all are alive.


2. David called the Messiah his Lord (41-44)

 No one dared to ask any more questions, so, finally, Jesus could ask one.

Because his people had a poor understanding of the Scriptures, they believed the

Messiah was merely a human descendent of David and had diffi culty accepting

Jesus. By asking questions, Jesus revealed that even David called the Messiah

Lord; Jesus is more than another human leader or teacher. He is the Messiah, the

Lord, our King and Master.


Prayer Father, thank you for adopting me into your family through Jesus and

giving a living hope and eternal inheritance. Help me honor Jesus as Lord.

One Word Our God is the living God

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