Friday, April 30, 2021

Luke 13:1-9


Keywords 13:3

I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.

1. Two tragedies (1-5)

People in Jesus’ time (and ours too) believed that tragedy befell people because of sin. (ex. Jn 9:2) Two examples are noted here that Jesus uses to teach us to turn to God and repent. Pilate had killed some Galileans and mixed their blood with their sacrifices. A large tower in the town of Siloam fell, killing 18 men. These tragedies didn’t happen because these people were worse sinners than others. Tragedies happen on a regular basis, and not only to the worst of sinners. Jesus died a horrible death and he was sinless. Our response to tragedies shouldn’t be to ask what kind of sinner the victims were, but to turn to God and repent.

2. The parable of the fig tree (6-9)

Fig trees are supposed to bear fruit. When they do not bear any fruit, they might as well be cut down. In the parable, God is the planter, we are the fig tree and Jesus the caretaker. We are meant to bear fruit to God. If we don’t bear fruit, we will be judged. Thank God for Jesus who intercedes for us with the Father and helps us so we can bear fruit.

Prayer Lord, Jesus teaches that we must repent or perish. We can only bear fruit when we repent. Help us repent and bear fruit to you through Jesus Christ.

One Word Repent and bear fruit


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Luke 12:49-59


Keywords 12:51

Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.

1. Not peace, but division (49-53)

Fire is used in different ways in the New Testament. Here, “by fire”, Jesus means judgement and division. Judgment will fall on the wicked, who are separated from the righteous. It is through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection that the judgment (and salvation) comes. The division can even separate family members.

2. Interpret the present time (54-56)

Judgment was coming. The kingdom of God was coming. Yet the Jews didn’t see it. There were signs. Jesus was showing the way to God, but no one could interpret the times. We must open our eyes to God!

3. Be reconciled (57-59)

When we owe a debt to someone, we must pay it back or those to whom we owe will take us to court. It is better to reconcile with our adversaries. This may mean paying damages or making an apology. Likewise, as sinners, we must be reconciled to God.

Prayer Lord, we are all sinners. Provide a way for reconciliation. Help us to come to you and know your peace, even when it brings division on the earth.

One Word Jesus brings division on earth and peace with God


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Luke 12:35-48


Keywords 12:40

You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

1. Be ready (35-40)

In his teaching, Jesus uses many action words like “be ready” “watch”, “wait”. In fact, in these few verses, Jesus tells his disciples to “be ready” three times. What does Jesus mean? Just as a servant can never tell when his master will return home, so we can never tell when Jesus will come again. Therefore, just as the servant should always be ready for his master’s return and ready to serve him, we, too, should watch and wait for Jesus’ return so that we will be ready when he comes. We don’t know when Jesus will return. Maybe it will be later this day. Be ready!

2. The faithful and wise manager (41-48)

Peter asked Jesus, “Does this apply just to us, or to everyone?” Our first question when faced with Jesus words should be, ”How can I apply them to my own life?” We can’t encourage others to live by the gospel if we ourselves don’t. We should be diligent in doing the work God gives us to do. We don’t know when He will return. If we are caught acting selfishly and wickedly, there will be trouble. We will be held accountable for what we do and what we are given.

Prayer Lord, help me to focus my heart and mind on you and what you give me to do. Help me to be a ready and wise servant every day.

One Word Be ready!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Luke 12:22-34


Keywords 12:31

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.


1. God knows all we need (22-30)

We worry about many things in this life: exams and grades, money, clothes, what we will eat, etc. Jesus teaches here that we should not worry about any of these. Why? Because life is much more than these things. Jesus gives two examples. Ravens dont work for a living, yet God feeds them. While lilies do not labor or spin, God clothes them beautifully. Worrying doesnt help. We dont add a single hour to our lives through worry. God knows what we need. He will provide just as He does for the ravens and lilies. Our worry is in inverse proportion to our faith.


2. Treasure in heaven (31-34)

What do we do instead of worry? Seek first Gods kingdom! The things of this earth spoil, perish and fade. Why hoard these like the rich fool? (Lk 12:16-21) God provides our needs when we truly seek Him and His kingdom first. The treasure in heaven we build up in this way will last for eternity.


Prayer Lord, I repent my worry and anxiety about this life. Help me to cast aside my worry and seeking after earthly treasures and to seek first your kingdom.

One Word Seek first Gods kingdom

Monday, April 26, 2021

Luke 12:13-21


Keywords 12:15

Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

1. Guard against greed (13-15)

A man felt cheated by his brother of their father’s inheritance. He wanted Jesus to arbitrate the dispute hoping to get a larger share of the inheritance. But Jesus rebuked the man. Jesus would not be judge or arbiter over their dispute. Nor does life consist of an abundance of wealth, nor in the pursuit of it. There are much more important things—like seeking God.

2. The parable of the rich man (16-21)

Jesus told a parable to illustrate his point. A rich farmer brought in an abundance of crops. He wondered where he could store it all. He decided to tear down his smaller barn and build much bigger ones so he could hoard his grain and take it easy for many years. He was greedy and selfish. But God called him a fool. His life would be taken from him that night. His hoarded wealth would do him no good. We feel secure when we store up for our future. But we should also remember to be generous towards God (our offering) and toward others.

Prayer Lord, help me not to be stingy, but to be rich towards you and others.

One Word Be on your guard against greed

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Luke 12:1-12


Keywords 12:7

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

1. Guard against hypocrisy (1-3)

The opposition of the religious leaders did not deter people from coming to Jesus. Thousands came to him, wanting to hear him teach. Jesus spoke first to his disciples. He told them to watch out for the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Hypocrisy is saying one thing and living another way. The Pharisees weren’t living as they taught. God saw through that. There are no secrets with God.

2. Fear God; don’t be afraid (4-12)

The people feared the Pharisees. But Jesus taught them to not be afraid of people, who can only kill the body. Rather, fear God, who can throw you into hell. When we learn to fear God, we do not need to be afraid. He will take care of our needs. If God takes such wonderful care of tiny sparrows, surely he will take care of us too. So, we should acknowledge God before people and rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom. When we acknowledge Jesus, he will acknowledge and honor us.

Prayer Lord, help me to repent my hypocrisy. Help me to live before you, acknowledging you and trusting you for all things in my life. Help me not to be afraid of anything in this life, but to fear you.

One Word Fear, love and trust God


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Luke 11:37-54


Keywords 11:41

But give what is inside the dish to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.

1. Woes to the Pharisees (37-44)

A Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner and noticed that Jesus didn’t ceremonially wash before he ate. When Jesus saw the Pharisee was surprised, he reminded him about cleanness and then pronounced three woes against the Pharisees. Cleanness before God has nothing to do with outward appearance, but about the state of what is inside us. They were greedy. Jesus taught them to be generous in order to be clean. He rebuked the Pharisees for neglecting justice, loving public attention, and defiling people without even realizing it.

2. Woes to the experts in the law (45-54)

One of the experts in the law was offended by Jesus. Jesus pronounced three woes on them too. They burdened people with the law instead of helping them. They honored the prophets but refused to honor and heed their words. They refused to seek knowledge or help others to seek it. Jesus rebuked them with God’s word. They should have repented. But they chose the foolish way and opposed him. May we not be so foolish.

Prayer Lord, forgive our wickedness, greed and foolishness. Help us to be generous toward the poor, repent and seek Gods wisdom.

One Word Be generous; be clean

Friday, April 23, 2021

Luke 11:29-36


Keywords 11:35

See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.

1. The Sign of Jonah (29-32)

The Jews wanted Jesus to prove who he was by giving a sign from heaven. Jesus called them a wicked generation. Why were they wicked? Jesus gave many “signs” by the miracles he did, the healings he gave and the words of God he taught. But the Jews were blind to him. They refused to see God in Jesus. Jesus then gave two examples. He would give one sign—the sign of Jonah. As Jonah came out of the fish’s mouth in three days, so Jesus would be raised from the dead. The Queen of the South and the people of Nineveh would be saved because they listened to God’s people. Would the Jews listen? Do we look for signs, or do we repent and seek God?

2. The Lamp of the Body (33-36)

The Queen of the South and the people of Nineveh repented and listened to God’s word because they saw the light in God’s servants. Light is not meant to be hidden but exposed to everyone. The light drives away darkness. God’s word gives light that drives away darkness.

Prayer Lord, help me to repent my sin and accept your word. Help me to walk in the light and be a light to others.

One Word Repent and be a light


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Luke 11:14-28


Keywords 11:20

But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

1. The kingdom of God has come (1-20)

Jesus healed a man who had been possessed by a demon. The crowd was amazed, but some accused Jesus of being in league with Beelzebul (Satan). In Jesus’ response, he testified to the power of God and the kingdom of God. How could Satan be against himself? Why would he drive out his own kind? No, Jesus clearly was not driving out demons with the power of Satan. It was the finger of God at work. God’s finger is more powerful than the entire army of Satan and his followers. Driving out demons by the finger of God was testimony that the kingdom of God had come.

2. Blessed are those who hear the word of God (21-28)

Jesus is powerful, but we are weak. How can we fight against Satan? We can be with Jesus and gather with him (23). We can clean up our own houses (repent and live godly lives) and not be a source of temptation for a demon to move into. A woman who heard Jesus remarked how blessed he was to be raised so well. Jesus answered her that the blessed ones are those who hear and obey God’s word.

Prayer Lord, help us to fight against our sinful nature by hearing and obeying your word.

One Word By the finger of God


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Ezra 10:1-44


Keywords 10:11

Now make confession to the LORD, the God of your fathers, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives."


1. There is still hope for Israel (1-11)

Ezra was not the only one who wept because of his peoples unfaithfulness. A

large crowd gathered around him and also wept. Shekaniah believed there was

still hope in God. He suggested sending away all the foreign women and their

children. Ezra agreed and put the leaders under oath to carry this out. A national

assembly was called. Anyone who failed to appear would be expelled. The people

all gathered and were greatly distressed because of the occasion and the rain.

Ezra called on the people to honor the LORD and separate themselves from their

foreign wives. Their destructive sin required radical repentance and commitment

to God.


2. We must do as you say (12-44)

Most of the assembly agreed and was ready to repent. A few opposed. Within

several months, they finished dealing with this. The priests descendants who had

married foreign women were listed. The sin was widespread and because they

were the spiritual leaders, their influence was particularly bad.


Prayer Lord, please raise spiritual leaders who are fully devoted to you and obey

you. Give us a repentant and humble heart.

One Word Repent for there is still hope in God


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ezra 9:1-15


Keywords 9:14a

Shall we again break your commands and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices?


1. Appalling news (1-5)

Ezras happiness in arriving in Jerusalem quickly turned to anger and dismay.

Ezra was told that many Jews, including priests, Levites and leaders, had

compromised and married people of detestable practices. God had prohibited

such marriages because the Canaanites would lead the people into idolatry (Dt.

7:1-4). This was not simply a racial matter. The Jews had broken faith with God.

Their future as Gods remnant was in great danger. Ezra was so appalled that he

tore his clothes and sat in self-abasement.


2. Ezras prayer (6-15)

Ezra prayed and repented on behalf of his people. He included himself as a

sinner. God had originally sent his people into exile because of their sins. Then

God gave them a second chance. He gave them a new life to rebuild the temple.

But the people were throwing their second chance away by disobeying Gods

clear commands. Ezra recognized Gods grace, that they were not being punished

to the extent that they deserved. He also recognized that if they did not repent,

God would destroy them.


Prayer Lord, you are righteous and holy. Forgive our unfaithfulness and idolatry.

Cleanse us from sin and help us to obey your word.

One Word God hates compromise


Monday, April 19, 2021

Ezra 8:1-36


Keywords 8:23

So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.


1. Those who went with Ezra (1-20)

Verses 2-14 record the families that accompanied Ezra. Many appear to be

descended from those who went in the first group under Zerubbabel (2:4-25), a

testament to the influence of the first generation. However, while camping, Ezra

discovered that no Levites were among them. He sent some leaders to ask for

Levite volunteers. Gods gracious hand moved the hearts of some Levites to also

return. They renounced settled lives and opportunity to become temple servants

who could not own land (Num. 18:20). But these Levites valued the opportunity to

serve God ahead of any worldly gain.


2. God answers prayer (21-36)

Ezras party carried many valuables and offerings for temple worship. The journey

was long and dangerous. But Ezra did not want to ask the king for protection. He

wanted to demonstrate that God cares for his servants but is against those who

forsake him. Ezra proclaimed a fast. The people humbled themselves in prayer.

God protected them throughout the journey and they arrived safely in Jerusalem.


Prayer Lord, you alone are worthy of our full devotion. Thank you for being

gracious to those who humble themselves before you.

One Word God answers our humble prayer


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ezra 7:1-28


Keywords 7:6b

The king had granted him everything he asked, for the hand of the LORD his God was on him.


1. Ezra came up from Babylon (1-10)

About sixty years after the temple was completed, God sent a second group of

Israelites, led by Ezra, to Jerusalem. Ezra was a priest, a descendent of Aaron

(5). He was also a Bible teacher, well versed in Gods law. The LORDs hand was

on Ezra and blessed his relationship with King Artaxerxes. The king granted

everything Ezra asked. This was not because Ezra was politically savvy. Rather

it was the fruit of Ezras Bible study, obedience and Bible teaching. When Ezra

devoted himself to the LORD, the LORD blessed his leadership and influence.


2. God moves hearts (11-28)

Artaxerxes gave permission to any Israelite to travel with Ezra from Babylon

to Jerusalem. The king also gave a personal offering (15). Supplies for temple

worship were to be paid out of the royal and provincial treasuries. Everything was

to be carried out with diligence. The king did not want to incur Gods wrath. Ezra

was respected as a man of Gods wisdom and word (25). Ezra praised God for

moving the kings heart. He took courage and gathered leaders for the four-month



Prayer Lord, thank you for honouring your servants when they honour you. Help me

to study, obey and teach your word.

One Word Gods hand moves hearts

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Ezra 6:1-22


Keywords 6:14a

So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendant of Iddo.


1. Do not interfere with the work (1-12)

In response to Tattenais letter (5:17), King Darius searched the royal archives.

He found Cyrus decree regarding the temple. Darius ordered his officials not to

interfere with the rebuilding. Furthermore, in keeping with the original decree,

expenses were to be paid out of the royal treasury. The king asked for prayer (10)

and stipulated penalties for defying his edict. God can use even pagan kings to

pave the way for his work.


2. According to the commands of God (13-22)

King Darius officially sanctioned the rebuilding of the temple but success did

not depend on him. Success depended on Gods blessing and obedience to his

word. Haggai and Zechariah continued to preach to the people. The temple was

finished according to the command of God (14). Priests were installed according

to the Book of Moses (18). The temple dedication was full of joy. Eleven days later,

Passover was celebrated according to Gods word. They joyfully praised God for

finishing the temple and restoring worship.


Prayer Lord, few things are in my control but thank you for your word. Help me to

repent, obey it and entrust everything else to you.

One Word According to Gods word


Friday, April 16, 2021

Ezra 5:1-17


Keywords 5:5

But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped until a report could go to Darius and his

written reply be received.


1. Gods word inspires the builders (1-5)

Enemies had hindered the work of rebuilding and discouraged the workers. The

Jews initial zeal for the temple faded into selfishness and the mundane. God

raised prophets to proclaim his word to the people. Haggai rebuked the people for

neglecting the temple reconstruction (Hag 1:9-11). Zechariah prophesied future

hope (Zech 1:16-17, 3, 4:6-10). Joshua and Zerubbabel responded to Gods word

by restarting the work on the temple. When they obeyed Gods word, God also

watched over them. Mans hindrance cannot stop Gods work.


2. A letter to King Darius (6-17)

Tattenai and some other officials wrote a letter to King Darius. The letter

contained the testimony of the Jewish elders. Solomons temple had been

a symbol of Gods grace. But when the Israelites angered God, he allowed

Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the temple and deport the people. Later Cyrus issued

a decree to rebuild the temple and the temple articles were returned. The Jewish

elders believed Gods grace and sovereignty over all history.


Prayer Lord, thank you for watching over and protecting us when we participate

in your work.

One Word Gods eye is watching over us


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ezra 4:1-24


Keywords 4:3b

"You have no part with us in building a temple to our God. We alone will build it for the LORD, the God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia, commanded us."


1. We alone will build it for the LORD (1-5; 24)

The enemies were people brought into the land by various Assyrian kings (2,

10) after their conquest of northern Israel (2 Ki 17:24). They offered to help build

the temple and claimed to worship God. In fact, they worshiped many idols (2

Ki 17:29) and did not obey Gods word. Their offer was an attempt to subvert the

construction and lead the people away from God. However, God gave spiritual

discernment to the leaders. The exiles alone would build the temple for the LORD.

These enemies continued to plant fear and frustrate plans until the temple efforts

stopped for 15 years (24).


2. Enemies hinder wall rebuilding (6-23)

Verses 6-23 record two official complaints (6, 7-16) lodged against the Jews

made many years later. This look into the future reveals that enemies hindered

efforts for over 100 years. The second letter was about rebuilding Jerusalem and

her walls. It resulted in an official decree to stop the rebuilding. God blesses his

people with his work but he never promises that it gets easier. Gods people must

be prayerful and patient.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your work. Please give us spiritual discernment,

patience and faithfulness.

One Word Dont compromise; wait and pray


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Ezra 3:1-13


Keywords 3:3

Despite their fear of the peoples around them, they built the altar on its foundation and sacrificed burnt offerings on it to the LORD, both the morning and evening sacrifices.


1. In accordance with what is written (1-6)

The Israelites assembled as one in Jerusalem on the seventh month. God had

prescribed several holidays, including the Day of Atonement, to be observed in

the seventh month (Lev 23:23-44). Joshua, Zerubbabel and others rebuilt the altar.

The Festival of Tabernacles was celebrated. Sacrifi ces were made. All was done

according to the word of God. New life in a new land was diffi cult. But spiritual

survival was an even greater priority. God gave them faith and courage to build

the altar and worship God according to his word.


2. Laying the foundation (7-13)

Zerubbabel and Joshua led the rebuilding of the temple. Offerings were used to

pay workers. Like the fi rst temple, building materials were imported from Sidon

and Tyre (1 Ki 5). Levites were appointed to supervise the building of the temple.

When the foundation was laid, many wept, remembering the former temple while

others shouted for joy. Everyone praised God. The temple foundation was a visible

reminder of Gods love toward his people.


Prayer Lord, please give me faith in you and courage to overcome fear and carry

out your work.

One Word Faith in God overcomes fear


THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...