Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Luke 12:22-34


Keywords 12:31

But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.


1. God knows all we need (22-30)

We worry about many things in this life: exams and grades, money, clothes, what we will eat, etc. Jesus teaches here that we should not worry about any of these. Why? Because life is much more than these things. Jesus gives two examples. Ravens dont work for a living, yet God feeds them. While lilies do not labor or spin, God clothes them beautifully. Worrying doesnt help. We dont add a single hour to our lives through worry. God knows what we need. He will provide just as He does for the ravens and lilies. Our worry is in inverse proportion to our faith.


2. Treasure in heaven (31-34)

What do we do instead of worry? Seek first Gods kingdom! The things of this earth spoil, perish and fade. Why hoard these like the rich fool? (Lk 12:16-21) God provides our needs when we truly seek Him and His kingdom first. The treasure in heaven we build up in this way will last for eternity.


Prayer Lord, I repent my worry and anxiety about this life. Help me to cast aside my worry and seeking after earthly treasures and to seek first your kingdom.

One Word Seek first Gods kingdom

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