Monday, April 19, 2021

Ezra 8:1-36


Keywords 8:23

So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.


1. Those who went with Ezra (1-20)

Verses 2-14 record the families that accompanied Ezra. Many appear to be

descended from those who went in the first group under Zerubbabel (2:4-25), a

testament to the influence of the first generation. However, while camping, Ezra

discovered that no Levites were among them. He sent some leaders to ask for

Levite volunteers. Gods gracious hand moved the hearts of some Levites to also

return. They renounced settled lives and opportunity to become temple servants

who could not own land (Num. 18:20). But these Levites valued the opportunity to

serve God ahead of any worldly gain.


2. God answers prayer (21-36)

Ezras party carried many valuables and offerings for temple worship. The journey

was long and dangerous. But Ezra did not want to ask the king for protection. He

wanted to demonstrate that God cares for his servants but is against those who

forsake him. Ezra proclaimed a fast. The people humbled themselves in prayer.

God protected them throughout the journey and they arrived safely in Jerusalem.


Prayer Lord, you alone are worthy of our full devotion. Thank you for being

gracious to those who humble themselves before you.

One Word God answers our humble prayer


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