Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ezra 9:1-15


Keywords 9:14a

Shall we again break your commands and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices?


1. Appalling news (1-5)

Ezras happiness in arriving in Jerusalem quickly turned to anger and dismay.

Ezra was told that many Jews, including priests, Levites and leaders, had

compromised and married people of detestable practices. God had prohibited

such marriages because the Canaanites would lead the people into idolatry (Dt.

7:1-4). This was not simply a racial matter. The Jews had broken faith with God.

Their future as Gods remnant was in great danger. Ezra was so appalled that he

tore his clothes and sat in self-abasement.


2. Ezras prayer (6-15)

Ezra prayed and repented on behalf of his people. He included himself as a

sinner. God had originally sent his people into exile because of their sins. Then

God gave them a second chance. He gave them a new life to rebuild the temple.

But the people were throwing their second chance away by disobeying Gods

clear commands. Ezra recognized Gods grace, that they were not being punished

to the extent that they deserved. He also recognized that if they did not repent,

God would destroy them.


Prayer Lord, you are righteous and holy. Forgive our unfaithfulness and idolatry.

Cleanse us from sin and help us to obey your word.

One Word God hates compromise


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