Tuesday, November 24, 2020



Genesis 10:1-32 / Keywords 10:1



1. The Japhethites (1-5)

Japheth (means open) was probably the eldest son of Noah. After the incident

of Babel Tower, Noahs descendants spread out over the earth, each with its

own language. The Japhethites were maritime peoples. They are said to be the

Europeans and Asian minors.


2. Hamites (6-20)

Ham (means warm) was the youngest. His descendants became todays North

Africans and South Arabians. Among the Hamites, Nimrod grew to be a mighty

hunter before the Lord. Babylon and Nineveh were built by him. But the other

descendants of Philistines and Canaanites occupied the land where God gave

Abraham. Sodom and Gomorrah were their cities which God judged with fire.


3. Shemites (21-32)

Shem (means prosperity) was the second born of Noah. Among Shems

descendants, Arphaxad is the ancestor of Abraham and Arabs. Some historians

claim that Melchizedek who met Abraham in C14 might be a Shemite. From

Shems descendants Jesus came.


Prayer Lord, you are the sovereign ruler of peoples and history. In the midst of

ungodly society and peoples, help us to live as your people.

One Word Godly descendants

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