Monday, November 23, 2020



Genesis 9:18-29 / Keywords 9:23



1. Noah became drunk (18-21)

Noah was blessed by God to start a new history with the rainbow covenant.

He planted a vineyard. He became accidentally drunk from the wine. He lay

uncovered inside his tent. When God blesses, we need to be more careful. When

God blessed David with many victories, his heart was complacent and was

tempted to commit adultery. But Jesus never gave Satan any chance to tempt him

by going to pray always after big successes and events (John 8:1). In the same

way, we must pray continually (1 The 5:17), for our enemy Satan is like a prowling

lion to devour anyone (1 Pet 5:8).


2. Noahs curse (22-29)

The behavior of Ham, the father of Canaan, is sharply contrasted with that of

Shem and Japheth toward their fathers fault and mistake. Ham saw Noahs

nakedness and reported it to his brothers. But Shem and Japheth walked

backward not to see Noahs mistake and covered his naked body with a garment.

Noahs curse to Hams descendants shows us two things; the historical legitimacy

of conquering Canaan by Israel; and we must cover the faults and mistakes of our

leaders or fathers rather than point them out with contempt.


Prayer Lord, thank you for covering our sins and shames with the blood of Jesus.

Help us not to expose our leaders faults with contempt but rather cover

them with Jesus love.

One Word Love covers all our sins!


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