Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Genesis 11:1-32 / Keywords 11:7



1. Let us build a city (1-9)

Noahs descendants spoke one language. When they moved eastward, they

found a plain and built a city. They worked hard together to build a tower but with

3 wrong motives and purposes (V4): 1. To reach heaven: For they didnt believe

Gods love and his covenant of the rainbow. They wanted to protect themselves

if God sends a flood again. 2. To make a name for themselves; God made men

for Gods glory but they only wanted to make their names great. 3. Not to be

scattered: God blessed them to fill the earth! But they didnt want to obey God.

God came down and saw. He only confused their language instead of destroying

them again. Whatever we do, if we go against Gods will, God will stop it. So it will

not be successful.


2. Abrams account (10-32)

Amid unbelief and great confusion, God still prepared a seed of a new start of

salvation. Among Shems descendants, there was Abram, who would live by faith

as the father of faith and his wife Sarai with Lot their cousin.


Prayer Lord, you see my heart and check my motives in all what I do. My success

and failure belong to you. Let me live a life glorifying you always.

One Word What are my motive and purpose?


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