Sunday, November 22, 2020


Esther 9:20-10:3 / Keywords 9:22



1. The celebration of Purim established (9:20-32)

God gave victory to the Jews over the enemies throughout the kingdom. From

that time on, it would be a time a celebration for Jews the world over, a celebration

of the protection their God had given them over those who tried to annihilate

them. After the kings edict was carried out for a second day, Mordecai sent

letters throughout the kingdom asking Jews to celebrate with feasting and joy.

Thus the Feast of Purim was established. It is still celebrated by the Jews to this

day. We should always remember with joy what God has done for us.


2. Mordecais greatness (10:1-3)

The annals of the kings of Media and Persia tell not only of the power of King

Xerxes, but also of the greatness of Mordecai, King Xerxes right-hand man.

Mordecai helped Xerxes to rule the kingdom, and he was held in very high honor

by his people all over the world, for Mordecai always remembered his people the

Jews and always worked for their good and spoke out for their welfare.


Prayer Lord, help us to always remember and celebrate all that you have done for


One Word Remember and celebrate Gods grace

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