Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Esther 9:1-19 / Keywords 9:1



1. The Jews got the upper hand (1-10)

The kings edict was carried out on the day that was originally appointed to

be the day of the annihilation of the Jews. God was with the Jews and they got

the upper hand over their enemies and killed many of them all throughout the

kingdom. The kings administrators throughout the kingdom helped the Jews. The

enemies of the Jews could find no allies because they were afraid of Mordecai.

Hamans sons were hanged, but the Jews took no plunder. God gave His people a

great victory.


2. Another day of retribution (11-19)

The king reported the results of the events of the day to Queen Esther, and asked

her what else she wanted. She asked for another day of the Jews being allowed

to carry out the edict. She also asked that Hamans sons be made an example

of and hanged for all to see. King Xerxes granted Esthers petition and the Jews

vanquished their enemies. Gods salvation was sure and complete.


Prayer Lord, thank you that you are God who rescues your people. Help us to

trust in you that you are our sovereign God.

One Word God gives His people great victory

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