Saturday, October 3, 2020



Luke 2:1-7 / Keywords 2:7



1. Caesar Augustus (1-3)

In those days, Rome ruled the world and Caesar Augustus ruled with absolute

authority. He decreed a census to be taken. Each person had to travel to their

home town to register. Joseph and Mary, who was full term, traveled many miles

to Bethlehem. God was working out his plan.


2. A baby in the manger (4-7)

Joseph went to Bethlehem the town of David because he was a descendant of

David, and of royal lineage. Mary was carrying the Son of God, the Messiah. They

did not know anyone there and no one was willing to help them. It was busy and

chaotic because so many had come to register. Finally, one innkeeper gave them

a place in his stable. Jesus was born among animals and placed in a manger. It

was a humble and quiet birth. It was the birth of our Savior and King.


Prayer Lord, thank you for coming humbly into the world as my Savior and King.

Grant me a humble and quiet heart and come and reign in my life. Please

remember sacrificial and humble parents who carry out your plan and will.

One Word Jesus, a baby in the manger, the King and Savior

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