Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Luke 3:1-20 / Keywords 3:16



1. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins (1-14)

John was Gods instrument for preparing people for the Lord through repentance.

Proud people must humble themselves, and every low and inferior person must be

lifted up. Repentance is for the forgiveness of sins. It opens our eyes to see Gods

salvation through Jesus. Some proud leaders did not want to repent because they

relied on their background for salvation. John rebuked them. Others were humble

and asked what they should do. Repentance involves practical obedience.


2. Water and the Spirit; wheat or chaff (15-20)

John baptized with water those who repented. John exhorted and preached the

good news, so people wondered if he was the Christ. John was clear. Jesus would

come. He would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Jesus gives us the

Holy Spirit to enable us to live a holy life, producing fruit pleasing to God. Those

who refuse to repent are like useless chaff. Gods judgment will come and he will

gather his people into his eternal kingdom.


Prayer Lord, I want to repent. Give me a humble heart. Please fill me with the

Holy Spirit. Purify and enable me to preach the good news too.

One Word Baptized with water and the Holy Spirit

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