Sunday, September 13, 2020




Passage: Mark 16:9~20   

Keyverse: 15

1. They refused to believe (9-14)

Mary Magdalene told the good news of Jesus' resurrection to his disciples, but they did not believe her. Jesus appeared to two others, but the disciples did not believe them either. Finally, Jesus appeared to the Eleven. He rebuked them because they stubbornly refused to believe that he was risen. Jesus wanted them to believe. He had left them an empty tomb, and soon he would leave them to be with the Father. Their faith cannot depend on sight.

2. Jesus' command (15-20)

Jesus gave these fearful and unbelieving disciples a great mission. He commanded them to preach the gospel to all creation. The gospel is absolute. It must not be compromised. Those who believe will be saved; those who don't will be lost. Baptism here is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit changes us into God's children. God protects his children. Jesus himself is present to confirm his word in the lives of those who hear.

Prayer: Lord, help me to have your vision for this world. Use me as a gospel preacher for all people.

One Word: Preach the gospel to all creation

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