Saturday, September 12, 2020




Passage: Mark 16:1~8   

Keyverse: 6

1. An empty tomb (1-5)

The women who followed Jesus loved him very much. The minute the Sabbath was over and the sun rose, they went to visit the tomb of Jesus. They meant to anoint the dead body of Jesus. Their main concern was who would roll the heavy stone away. When they arrived, the stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Jesus was gone, and there was a young man sitting there. It was not what they expected, and they were alarmed.

2. "He has risen! He is not here" (6-8)

The empty tomb was alarming to the women. But the young man told them that Jesus the crucified is Jesus the risen! The power of death could not hold him. He made these fearful women messengers of the gospel of the resurrection and commissioned them to tell Peter and the other disciples.

Prayer: Lord, help me to overcome my fear and proclaim the resurrection of Jesus today.

One Word: Jesus has risen

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