Friday, July 31, 2020



Passage: Romans 6:15~23   

Keyverse: 23

1. Slaves to sin or to righteousness (15-18)

Grace doesn't mean we can sin freely. Bonhoeffer wrote: "Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance." We are "slaves" to the one we obey-whether that is sin or righteousness. Jesus bought us out of slavery to sin by his blood. Now we belong to him and we are free to serve God from our hearts.

2. The results of whom we obey (19-23)

Living as slaves to sin results in shame, regret and death. Living as slaves of God leads to holiness and eternal life. When we live with Jesus as our "boss," the benefits far exceed worldly treasures. These blessings include true freedom and the gift of God, which is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, when I lived freely in sin, I lived in regret and misery. Now, living in your grace, I have true freedom, hope, joy and peace. I offer myself again today to you, my Lord and my Savior.

One Word: I am free from sin to love and serve Jesus Christ

Thursday, July 30, 2020



Passage: Romans 6:1~14   

Keyverse: 8

1. We died to sin with Christ (1-10)

Christians do not sin in order to increase grace. We died to sin. When we confess our sins and put our faith in Jesus' atoning blood for our forgiveness (3:25), we are spiritually united with Christ in his death and resurrection. Christian baptism symbolizes dying to sin with Christ and rising to a new life in resurrection faith and hope. Through faith in Jesus, our old self was crucified with him. We are no longer bound to live as slaves to sin. We are free to live new lives in Jesus.

2. Count yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus (11-14)

Though Christians have been redeemed (set free) to live a new life in Christ, it is not automatic or without a struggle to do so. It requires a daily mindset to die to sin and to live to God in Christ Jesus. We must not obey sin as our master. We must offer to God every part of ourselves as instruments of righteousness. This is possible only by the grace and Spirit of God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, by your blood you redeemed me and gave me a new life. By your grace and Spirit, I am able to know, love and serve you today. I offer myself to you as an instrument of righteousness.

One Word: I am united with Christ; now I offer myself to God

Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Passage: Romans 5:12~21   

Keyverse: 17b

1. The reign of sin and death (12-14, 20-21)

Adam brought sin and death into the world to all people through his one act of disobedience. Even though there was no official law of God until Moses' day, sin and death reigned in the world. When God's law came, it actually had no power to save sinners; rather, it just revealed our sinfulness all the more.

2. The gift of righteousness (15-19)

Adam brought sin, death and condemnation to all people. In contrast, Jesus Christ brought great blessings of grace, righteousness and eternal life to all who believe. These are gifts from God. We can never earn or deserve them. We simply receive these abundant blessings by faith in Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Eternal thanks and praise be to you, Lord Jesus Christ! You brought the gift of grace and eternal life to all sinners who trust in your atoning blood shed on the cross. Now we reign in life with you, only by your grace.

One Word: Receive God's grace and reign in life through Christ

Tuesday, July 28, 2020



Passage: Romans 5:1~11   

Keyverse: 8

1. Peace with God (1-2a,9-11)

Sin makes us enemies of God, for sin is against God. Through faith in Christ we have peace with God (we are reconciled). We are saved from God's wrath and from eternal separation from God! We have been brought near to God in a close friendship. We stand in amazing grace.

2. Hope (2b-4)

Apart from Christ, due to sin, people must face God and be judged one day as his enemies. But Christians have the hope of God's glory, which is to be with our Lord one day. Christians can even glory in sufferings, since it produces perseverance, character and hope.

3. God's love for us (5-8)

God's love is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. What is God's love? It is his mercy not to judge us but rather to save us. God's love is that he had Jesus die for ungodly, hell-bound sinners. God's relentless love is far beyond human conditional love.

Prayer: Lord God, I know I deserve your wrath and eternal separation from you due to my sins. But you sent Jesus to save me. Thank you for the gifts of peace, hope and love through Jesus Christ.

One Word: We have peace, hope and love in Christ

Monday, July 27, 2020



Passage: Romans 4:9~25   

Keyverse: 23-24

1. Righteousness by faith, not by circumcision nor the law (9-15)

Many Jews thought that being circumcised or keeping God's law made them righteous before God. Circumcision started with Abraham. But Abraham was credited by God with righteousness for his faith (Gen 15:6), not for circumcision, which came later (Gen 17). So Abraham is the spiritual father of all who have faith, whether Jew or Gentile (11-12). Abraham's faith blessed him, his family and the world.

2. Resurrection faith (16-25)

Abraham means "father of many." God made him a "father of many nations." He is the father of-not just Jews, but of all who believe in God's promises. Abraham had faith in the power of God, even to give an old man and his barren old wife a child. It was resurrection faith. Our resurrection faith is in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again. All who believe this are credited with righteousness.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and rose again. Thank you for giving me eternal life in you.

One Word: Jesus died for my sins and rose again.

Sunday, July 26, 2020



Passage: Romans 4:1~8   

Keyverse: 5

1. Abraham's faith (1-5)

Abraham was the forefather of Israel. Was he justified before God by his faith or by his works? Paul quotes Genesis 15:6, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." Abraham believed God's unrealistic promise that he would have a child and his offspring would be as numerous as the stars. God was pleased with Abraham's faith. Without faith, we can't please God (Heb 11:6). Abraham was not justified by his works but by his faith and trust in God's word.

2. David's faith (6-8)

David also testifies to this saving faith in Psalm 32 (take one minute to read it). David found the blessing of forgiveness of sin not by doing good works, but by acknowledging and confessing his sin (Ps 32:5). He too was justified and forgiven when he simply came to God in faith and trust.

Prayer: Lord, I come to you as I am, a sinner, trusting in Jesus alone for forgiveness and new life. I thank and praise the living, forgiving God.

One Word: God justifies the one who trusts in Jesus

Saturday, July 25, 2020



Passage: Romans 3:21~31   

Keyverse: 24

1. justified by grace through faith (21-26)

Apostle Paul argued in 1:18-3:20 that no one on earth is righteous before God by their own effort, not even moral or religious people. All have sinned and fall short of God's glory (23). The good news (gospel) is that Jesus Christ shed his blood to atone for (take away) the sins of all who believe. Jesus' blood paid the price for our redemption. Now we are free from the power and consequences of sin. Christians are "justified," that is, righteous in God's sight. This is a free gift of God's grace, given to all believers in Christ.

2. part from works (27-31)

The Jews thought they were justified before God by obeying God's law, which included circumcision. But if their obedience and own effort made them righteous, then they could boast about it. In the gospel of Jesus no one can boast, since it's not what we've done but what Christ has done that saves us.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I accept that you shed your holy blood to pay for all my sin and to set me free from condemnation. May my life be a faithful testimony to your grace. Amen.

One Word: Righteousness and redemption to all who believe in Jesus

Friday, July 24, 2020



Passage: Romans 3:1~20   

Keyverse: 3

1. We are unfaithful (1-8)

The Jews had a great advantage for they had been entrusted with the very words of God. But they were unfaithful. Did their unfaithfulness nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all! On the contrary, it revealed God's faithfulness more clearly. Though every human being is a liar, God is true. However, we should not deceive ourselves saying, "let us do evil that good may result!"

2. There is no one righteous (9-20)

We conclude that both the Jews and the Gentiles are all unfaithful sinners as was already written in Psalms and Isaiah; "there is no one, not even one who is righteous. All have turned away." Therefore, by the works of the law, no one will be declared righteous in God's sight; rather, through the law, we become conscious of our sin. The only hope for us unfaithful sinners is the faithfulness of God who sent Jesus as he promised. Now whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life as he promised.

Prayer: Lord, we cannot be saved by the law which only condemns us as sinners. But you are faithful to send Jesus so that we may be saved by faith in Jesus.

One Word: Not by law but by faith in Jesus!


Thursday, July 23, 2020



Passage: Romans 2:17~29   

Keyverse: 29

1. Teach the Bible to yourself (17-24)

Paul reveals the sin of the Jews (or nominal Christians). They boast of superiority over non-believers for knowing God's Word and teaching the Bible. But knowing and teaching are different from living according to the law. So God's name is more blasphemed among the Gentiles because of nominal Sunday Christians' hypocritical and double life. The true Jew (true Christian) studies the Bible sincerely, seeks to obey the word repenting of double life, and teaches himself first before teaching others. They glorify God and save others.

2. Circumcise your heart (25-29)

Circumcision was an act of obedience to live as a covenant people. But it became a ritual. True circumcision is inward. It requires cutting one's heart to live as a covenant people as a life or death matter. It means to deny one's physical desires to live as the Word commands. The true Jew (Christian) not only goes to church (outwardly), but lives a life of following Jesus, circumcising the heart (repenting) and living by the Spirit.

Prayer: Lord, make me a true Jew by living according to the word, circumcising my heart inwardly and cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

One Word: Obey the word, circumcise my heart!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020



Passage: Romans 2:6~16   

Keyverse: 16

1. God does not show favoritism (6-11)

God created men to seek God first and glorify him. Therefore, his judgment will be according to what they have done, their purpose and motivation; God will give honor, glory, peace and eternal life to those who persistently seek God first and his glory. But to those who are self-seeking, rejecting God and following evil, there will be wrath, anger, trouble, distress, and eternal judgment.

2. Judgment through Jesus Christ (12-16)

God will judge by Jesus as the standard. For there is no one righteous not even one (Rom 3:10). All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom3:23) The Jews who had God's living word were condemned because they couldn't and didn't obey the law. The Gentiles were condemned though they had no law to break. For God gave them a conscience that shows God's requirement in their heart. So by law or by conscience all had sinned and all are condemned before God. Therefore, God will judge people through Jesus Christ, the gift of God; whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. But whoever does not believe in Jesus, will be condemned.

Prayer: Lord, we all are condemned either by law or by conscience. Praise God who saves all-Jews and Gentiles by faith in Jesus' death and resurrection.

One Word: Now, through Jesus, can we only be saved!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020



Passage: Romans 2:1~5   

Keyverse: 4

1. No excuse in judging others (1-3)

Now Paul turns to the law-keeping Jews who were judging the Gentiles as dogs. God chose the Jews and gave them the precious Word not to condemn the Gentiles with self-righteousness. They should preach the gospel to them as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The Word of God should not be used to judge, condemn and criticize others but to make myself repent before God and we should use God's word to save others.

2. Repent, don't store up wrath (4-5)

We should not misunderstand the riches of God's kindness, forbearance, and patience when he does not punish the wicked people or our sins immediately. For God is not willing that anyone should perish but all may be saved. (2 Pet3:9) However, if we keep on in our stubbornness with an unrepentant heart, we are only storing up wrath against ourselves for the day of God's wrath which will arrive at any moment when he will judge severely.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for despising your forbearance while judging others. Help me be stricter with myself and kind to others, repenting moment by moment. Let me show your kindness, forbearance, and patience to others.

One Word: Do not judge others but repent!


Monday, July 20, 2020



Passage: Romans 1:18~32   

Keyverse: 21

1. Neither glorified God nor gave thanks to him (18-23)

Human beings need the gospel that has the power to save them, for they are under God's wrath by their godlessness (no God in their hearts: neither glorify God nor give thanks to him) and wickedness (cut off from God, the source of all goodness, then all kinds of evil activities done toward others). We have no excuse saying, "I could not know God," for the creator God made men in his image. We are to know him in our conscience, God's innate image. It is plain to see his power and divinity through awesome nature too. Most of all we have the very written word of God translated in our language easy to access with just one click. But by removing God men became proud. They became foolish and ignorant to worship men, animals, and materials rather than God.

2. God's wrath (24-32)

As children abandoned by their parents could be the worst punishment, so God's wrath was to leave men to live without God, the source of life and all goodness. Men became like cut off branches, with no goodness in them but live according to their sinful depravity: sexual impurity, idol worship, God-haters, arrogant and boastful. They all became factories of evil. They even approve of those who practice evil.

Prayer: Lord, when we abandon God, we become miserable like drying cut-off branches. Lord, we need Jesus, our Savior who restores our relationship with you.

One Word: Give thanks to God and glorify him!

Sunday, July 19, 2020



Passage: Romans 1:8~17   

Keyverse: 16

1. Paul's thanks and prayers to go to Rome (8-15)

Paul thanked God because of the faith of the believers in Rome. It's not easy to pray for others but Paul always prayed for Roman Christians who were unknown to him constantly. He also prayed and planned to go to them many times. It was not just to teach them. He wanted to be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. However, it was not granted until that time. Paul felt a great obligation to preach in Rome, the hub of the world that the gospel may be preached to the ends of the earth.

2. I am not ashamed of the gospel (16-17)

The Romans were ashamed of the gospel of Jesus' crucifixion. But Paul was not. It was because the crucifixion paid all the cost for the sins of all. Now anyone who believes in the love of God, who punished and killed his only Son in our place, is saved. This is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes in the righteousness of God revealed in the gospel. It is not by keeping the law, but by faith, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

Prayer: Lord, the gospel is God's power of salvation for everyone who believes. Let me pray, go and preach this gospel to all people of the world.

One Word: I am obligated to all!

Saturday, July 18, 2020



Passage: Romans 1:1~7   

Keyverse: 5


'For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed -- a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written; 'The righteous will live by faith.'' (1:16-17) Paul wrote Romans during his third mission journey (AD 57). He was staying at the house of Gaius in Corinth. He was on the way to Jerusalem to deliver the offerings to the impoverished Jewish Christians. He wanted to build a bridge between the Jewish Christians and the Gentile believers through this good wish offerings. He planned further to go to Rome then to Spain as the Lord had entrusted him. However, the Spirit revealed that there would be great danger in Jerusalem. He might not be able to go to Rome at all. Therefore, he wrote Romans to tell Roman believers who had never met him. Paul knew some were Jewish believers who might have claimed to obey the Old Testament commands besides believing in Jesus as the Gentiles believed. So Paul well explained theologically that we are justified not by law but by faith in Jesus' death and resurrection alone: ie, Justification (Ch1-5). He saw also the danger of Gentile believers to be carefree saying, 'We are saved by faith alone.' So he wrote, the believers should follow the Holy Spirit after being justified legally. They should not follow their old sinful desires: Sanctification (Ch6-8). In Ch 9-11 Paul wrote that God saved the Gentiles so that the Israelites may fall into envy and repent and come back to God as originally chosen by God. In Ch 12-16 Paul wrote about the practical life of the believers to build up their church community as well as to live in the world as salt and light. He revealed Jesus' world mission vision to go to the end of the world (Spain) through Rome. We can learn pure gospel faith, the necessity of sanctification every day, and practical life living as salt and light for world mission.


1. The gospel of God (1-4)

Paul identifies himself as a servant (slave) of Christ (King), called to be an apostle (sent out), and set apart for the gospel of God. What is the gospel (good news)? Jesus, the Son of God is the good news. God kept his promise to send the Messiah among the descendants of David. According to the Scriptures, God raised Jesus from the dead. Now whoever believes this gospel (Jesus' death for our sins and his resurrection to give us eternal life), God forgives his sins and raises him from the dead to have eternal life (Jn 3:16).

2. Grace and apostleship (5-7)

Paul shows that not only have we received the grace of Jesus through the forgiveness of sins, but also the apostleship to preach the gospel, that is Jesus' death and resurrection, to all nations. God saved us from being useless sinners to make us useful ambassadors of God. We can and should live now to call all the Gentiles not only to believe but also to obey Jesus Christ' great commission.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your grace and apostleship.

One Word: For his name's sake!

Friday, July 17, 2020



Passage: Acts 21:37~22:16   

Keyverse: 22:15

1. Order is restored (21:37-40)

The Roman soldiers arrived and protected Paul. When Paul spoke to them in Greek they listened. They gave him permission to address the crowd. But Paul spoke to the crowd in Aramaic, not Greek. When he did, he got their attention.

2. Paul's message (22:1-16)

In his zeal to serve God, Paul had lived as a strict Pharisee. He had studied under the most famous teachers and was trained in the law. But with all of his zeal and knowledge he only became an enemy of God. When he saw those who believed Jesus, he was determined to eradicate them. Paul testified to the Risen Jesus, the one who appeared to him in a blinding light when he was in the midst of persecuting such Christians. Jesus made Paul new. He gave him the calling to witness to all people-Jew and Gentile-of this Jesus. Paul testified to Jesus who forgives sin and makes new. He was faithful to his calling.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your call, which gives life to all who receive it. Help me to be faithful to my calling.

One Word: Be a faithful witness of Jesus

Thursday, July 16, 2020



Passage: Acts 21:17~36   

Keyverse: 19

1. Paul's report (17-26)

As soon as Paul arrived in Jerusalem he reported in detail on the work of God in the Gentile world. This was the testimony he was willing to give his life for. But the leaders in Jerusalem were more concerned about how word of Paul's ministry was adversely affecting the Jewish believers. They convinced Paul to join in a purification ritual in hopes of placating the Jews.

2. Paul is seized (27-36)

When Paul went to fulfill his purification vows, he met some Jews from Asia in the temple. They recognized him and began loudly accusing him of bringing Gentiles into the temple in violation of the law. The charge was false, but a riot ensued. Paul was seized, and they dragged him from the temple and began to beat him. Paul's report of what God had done in the Gentile world came at a price.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be a faithful servant of your word and your work, no matter the cost.

One Word: Share what God has done

Wednesday, July 15, 2020



Passage: Acts 21:1~16   

Keyverse: 13

1. They urged Paul not to go (1-11)

Paul was going to Jerusalem with an offering from the Gentile churches. It was a testimony of God's work among the Gentile believers. In each place he went to along the way he was urged by the believers-even through the Holy Spirit-not to go to Jerusalem because of what awaited him. In Caesarea, he stayed with Philip the evangelist. The prophet Agabus came, took Paul's belt, and demonstrated how the Jews in Jerusalem would bind Paul and hand him over to the Gentiles.

2. I am ready to die for the name of Jesus (12-16)

Paul would not be dissuaded, even by the pleading of the disciples. He knew that hardships awaited him, but he would go to Jerusalem even if it meant being bound or dying-all for the name of the Lord Jesus. His friends gave up and said, "The Lord's will be done." Doing all things for the Lord Jesus is surely God's will.

Prayer: Lord, raise leaders like Paul, who are ready to do all things for the name of Jesus.

One Word: Ready to die for Jesus

Tuesday, July 14, 2020



Passage: Acts 20:25~38   

Keyverse: 27

1. Remembering the words of Paul (25-31)

Paul knew that he would not meet his sheep in Ephesus again on earth. He had done his best to proclaim to them the whole will of God. He didn't just tell them the pleasant or easy things. He knew the difficulties they would encounter. Paul reminded them that this was the will of God.

2. Remembering the Lord Jesus (32-38)

Paul committed the church in Ephesus to the word of God's grace. He entrusted them as a precious offering. He had offered himself for their sanctification. Now he reminded them of Jesus, who became a sin offering, giving his life for their salvation. Remembering Jesus and his word is how they would proclaim the whole will of God and be blessings to the whole world.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remember the gospel of Jesus and give my life for his sake. Make my life a proclamation of the will of God.

One Word: Proclaim the whole will of God

Monday, July 13, 2020



Passage: Acts 20:13~24   

Keyverse: 24

1. Paul's decision (13-16)

Paul was traveling quickly at this time. He had his sights set on going to Jerusalem. He was carrying an offering from the Gentile churches to testify to God's work in the Gentile world. He also wanted to visit Rome. It was with a sense of urgency, for trouble and persecution awaited him in Jerusalem.

2. To complete the task (17-24)

Paul called for the Ephesian elders and reminded them of his life testimony-how he had lived and preached the gospel of repentance and faith in Jesus, in spite of much testing from the Jews. What compelled him? The Holy Spirit was guiding Paul. The Spirit led him even through prison and hardships, but this was the revelation of God's grace. Paul was an offering. His life was completely consumed for testifying to the good news of God's grace, and he ran it as an athlete competing for a prize.

Prayer: Lord, accept my life as an offering for testifying to your grace.

One Word: Testify to the good news

Sunday, July 12, 2020



Passage: Acts 20:1~12   

Keyverse: 10

1. Strengthening the churches (1-6)

Paul's time in Ephesus came to an end. Now he traveled through the places he had been in Macedonia, Greece and Troas. He went there to encourage the disciples. There were still many Jews who plotted against him, but there were also many growing leaders who could provide the needed word of God for the encouragement of the churches.

2. The meeting in Troas (7-12)

In Troas Paul had only one day. A large crowd gathered at the church, and Paul shared in their worship service, speaking for a long time-past midnight. One young man named Eutychus was listening from a window, grew sleepy and fell three stories. They picked him up dead, but Paul embraced the young man and said, "He's alive!" The word of God has power to encourage and give life.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your life giving words. Use our ministry to encourage and give life.

One Word: The word of God gives life

Saturday, July 11, 2020



Passage: Acts 19:21~41   

Keyverse: 23

1. A threat to business causes a riot (21-34)

Paul had decided to visit Jerusalem, with a hope to then go to Rome. A problem arose with a local businessman. Demetrius was making silver shrines for the worship of the goddess Artemis. Paul was competition, because people believed in Jesus and got rid of their idols. Demetrius called a meeting of fellow craftsmen. His motives were economic, but he played on people's religious feelings and civic pride. He started a riot to drive Paul out of town.

2. The riot is quelled (35-41)

Paul's companions were seized and taken to the theater (29). Paul wanted to address the crowd, but friends and fellow believers restrained him (30-31). For two hours the rioters milled around in confusion, shouting praise to Artemis. Most didn't know why they were there. Then the city clerk rebuked the mob and the explosive situation was defused. The door in Ephesus was closing, but Paul would be used in Rome.

Prayer: Lord, help us not to be surprised at opposition or persecution when we challenge the materialistic culture with Jesus' gospel.

One Word: The gospel challenges culture

Friday, July 10, 2020



Passage: Acts 19:1~20   

Keyverse: 20

1. Paul arrives in Ephesus (1-7)

Apollos went to Corinth, and Paul arrived in Ephesus, where he met some disciples of John the Baptist. He taught them the gospel of Jesus and baptized them. The Holy Spirit came on them. God was working in Ephesus.

2. The word of the Lord spread (8-20)

Paul taught in the synagogue for three months. When he was rejected, he taught in a lecture hall for two years. God worked miracles and demonstrated his power by driving out evil spirits so that everyone heard and saw, both Jews and Greeks. Such was the work that men feared the Lord, and the name of Jesus was held in high honor. Those who believed confessed their sins publicly. When Paul taught in Ephesus, the word spread widely and grew in power.

Prayer: Lord, your word has power. Bless me to honor Jesus and teach your word so that it may spread in the hearts of your people.

One Word: Spread the word of the Lord

Thursday, July 9, 2020



Passage: Acts 18:12~28   

Keyverse: 26

1. Challenge in Corinth (12-17)

The Jews arrested Paul and brought him for judgment, but God protected him. The proconsul Gallio refused to judge matters of Jewish law, and so the work in Corinth continued to grow,

2. Emerging leaders (18-28)

Paul traveled back to Antioch, leaving Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus, then going through Caesarea and Jerusalem on his way. After a time he set out again, visiting the churches in Asia Minor. In Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila met a man named Apollos, who had knowledge of the Scriptures and John the Baptist, but not Jesus. They taught him the gospel in their house church and raised him as a man who could adequately prove from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah. The Lord was raising new leaders for his ministry.

Prayer: Lord, the ministry is your work. Help us to serve it by preaching your word. Raise new leaders for our generation.

One Word: Raise leaders who preach the word

Wednesday, July 8, 2020



Passage: Acts 18:1~11   

Keyverse: 9

1. Living as a tentmaker (1-4)

Paul came to Corinth, where he provided for his needs by making tents. He worked with Aquila and Priscilla. On the Sabbath he reasoned with both Jews and Greeks in the synagogue.

2. Keep on speaking (5-11)

Paul's life in Corinth was not easy. Besides having to provide for his own needs, he was living a mission life. When Silas and Timothy joined the ministry in Corinth, Paul was able to devote himself to preaching the gospel. But the Jews rejected him, so he went to the Gentiles. Such difficulty could make him fearful, but the Lord spoke to Paul, telling him to continue teaching the word of God, for there were many believers in the city. Paul suffered, but God would bear fruit.

Prayer: Lord, help me to see as you see. Help me to keep on teaching the word of God. Use me to bear good gospel fruit.

One Word: Do not be silent

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Passage: Acts 17:16~34   

Keyverse: 31

1. A city full of idols (16-21)

When Paul arrived in Athens, he was distressed to see many idols. He spoke in both the synagogue and marketplace, preaching the good news about Jesus. His words sounded like babbling to the Greek philosophers, so they invited him to speak further at a meeting of the Areopagus.

2. Proclaiming God in Athens (22-34)

Paul proclaimed God who was unknown in Athens. He is the Creator and sustainer of life. He is the ruler of all things, and we are his offspring. Therefore, we should worship him-not idols. The unknown God revealed himself in Christ, who he raised from the dead. Paul called the Athenians to repent their idol worship and to receive God who appointed Jesus as their Judge and Savior. This is worship.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for making yourself known. Help me to be rid of idols, receive Jesus and proclaim him today.

One Word: Worship God; proclaim Jesus


Monday, July 6, 2020


Passage: Acts 17:1~15   

Keyverse: 11

1. Paul proclaims Jesus (1-9)

Paul made his way to Thessalonica and visited the Jewish synagogue. There he proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah, who suffered, died and rose from the dead. The message aroused jealousy in many of the Jews. They brought charges against Paul and the believers, accusing them of defying Caesar.

2. They examined the Scriptures (10-15)

Because of the turmoil, Paul took Silas and went to Berea. There he also went into the synagogue and proclaimed Jesus. But in Berea his message was received with eagerness. The Berean Jews are described as noble, because they examined the Scriptures in order to verify the truth of Paul's message. They sought the truth and believed. When the Thessalonian Jews heard about this, they created a scene in Berea, and Paul was escorted to Athens.

Prayer: Lord, help me to examine your word with a noble and truth-seeking character.

One Word: Examine the Scriptures

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...