Passage: Romans 2:17~29
Keyverse: 29
1. Teach the Bible to yourself (17-24)
Paul reveals the sin of the Jews (or nominal Christians). They
boast of superiority over non-believers for knowing God's Word and teaching the
Bible. But knowing and teaching are different from living according to the law.
So God's name is more blasphemed among the Gentiles because of nominal Sunday
Christians' hypocritical and double life. The true Jew (true Christian) studies
the Bible sincerely, seeks to obey the word repenting of double life, and
teaches himself first before teaching others. They glorify God and save others.
2. Circumcise your heart (25-29)
Circumcision was an act of obedience to live as a covenant people.
But it became a ritual. True circumcision is inward. It requires cutting one's
heart to live as a covenant people as a life or death matter. It means to deny
one's physical desires to live as the Word commands. The true Jew (Christian)
not only goes to church (outwardly), but lives a life of following Jesus,
circumcising the heart (repenting) and living by the Spirit.
Prayer: Lord, make me a true Jew by living according to the word,
circumcising my heart inwardly and cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
One Word: Obey the word, circumcise my heart!
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