Keywords 3:10
When God saw what they did and how they turned
from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the
destruction he had threatened.
While in the belly of the big fish, Jonah repented. When the word of the Lord came to Jonah again, saying, “Go to the great city of Nineveh
and proclaim to it the message I give you,” Jonah was prepared to listen. Jonah made the decision
to obey the word of the Lord this time, and he went to Nineveh. For the next
three days, Jonah proclaimed “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown” (4). Like Jonah, we cannot hear
and obey God while our hearts are still mired in sin. We are worth no more than
fish food. But when we repent, we are ready to listen and obey God’s word. Then God can use us.
2. What happened over the next
forty days in Nineveh? The Ninevites believed God. The Ninevites were Gentiles.
They had nothing to do with the God of Israel. Nevertheless, when they heard
God’s word, they believed it. They
believed the Lord, and they, too, repented. They put on sackcloth, proclaimed a
fast, called urgently on the Lord, and turned from their wicked ways. When the
Lord saw the heartfelt repentance of the Ninevites, he relented from his plan
to destroy the city. When sinners repent, the Lord relents! Our God is so
merciful and gracious to us, even when we are steeped in sin. He forgives and
relents of his judgment when a sinner repents.
Prayer Father, when sinners repent, you
relent from your judgment. Help us that as a nation, we may repent our sins and
turn back to you.
One Word Repent
and the Lord will relent
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