Thursday, October 20, 2022

Jonah 1:17- 2:10

Jonah’s prayer

Keywords 2:9

But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the LORD."


1. When Jonah ran away from God, God sent a huge fish in the sea to swallow him up. He was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. He was now as good as dead. With a broken heart, he prayed to God. He repented of his sin and finally praised God, proclaiming, Salvation comes from the Lord.


2. When we are disobedient, God gives us hardship to turn our hearts back to him. In those times, all we can do is kneel and repent before God. After three days in the fishs belly, Jonah came to realize that only God could save him; no one else could save him, neither idols nor human willpower. He only could say, Salvation comes from the Lord.


3. In our hardship, we sometimes argue with God, Why are you giving me this trouble? But through hardship, God purifies our heart that we may repent and meet God newly as Jonah did. With a renewed heart and deeper understanding of God, we can serve the purpose that God has for us. Now Jonah was ready to serve his mission, to preach the message of repentance to the city of Nineveh.


Prayer Lord, please help us to repent and meet you newly through our hardship.

One Word Salvation comes from the Lord!

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